Track Problems?


New member
I was wondering if anyone else has had a problem I'm having laying track.

I lay a section of track in Suryeror-a short section with 3 splines. I "Save" the changes. I can then move, delete, add, etc to the track. I close the Route and reopen. I can no longer move, delete, or affect the track. Sometimes the track is out of position. Not where it was when I saved and closed. The splines have also changed color- from white to a pale yellow.

I will add also that the short section of track is joined on both ends with track which is not affected. This short section is in a very busy area where there are lots of splines(no track but roads and sidewalks).

I even opened a new route in Surveyor to test the track to make sure the file wasn't corrupted and had no problems.

I have repeated this operation many times with the same results. I wind uo deleting the entire route to get rid of the problem.


P.S. I would also add the the short section of track that I'm working on is replacing an existing section of track that does not have the problem.
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Try upgrading to sp1. in the FAQ section of the TRS2006 forum there is in structions on how to do that.

White means that the spline point is at ground level. Yellow that the spline point has been set by fixing the height of the point by the tools for adjusting height. As you have a problem deleting the track have you tried to delete using the object spline. What ive sometimes found is the track has connected to an object spline like a footpath and not the track. You might need to move the end sections to a splineless area then join the track then move it into position.
Track segmented spline rings are yellow. Road spline rings are white unless you've adjusted the heighth of them when they turn yellow.

Thanks stagecoach

Your suggestion makes sense. Even though I think and it looks like I'm connecting to the track spline, I could be connecting to another spline even though I'm being careful. I will try your suggestion.

Track and road splines work the same - the circles are white if the spline height at that point is free to match the terrain height and yellow if the height is fixed. For track splines there is a Surveyor option available to fix the height of the splines when they are created. If this option is set to "on" the height is fixed at the current terrain height and the circles will change to yellow automatically.

As for the problem I don't know what the cause is. It might be that the trk file became corrupted and the splines in question have been flagged as part of an industry or other scenery object that has attached track even though they are not. These are often very difficult to delete.

Bob Pearson
I followed Stagecoach's suggestion of moving the splines to a clean area and here's the result. After moving the splines to a clean area I split the splines at both ends of the track to be replaced. I deleted the old track and added the new track. I moved the splines back into position, using the shift key to make sure they didn't connect with an unwanted spline. Everything great so far. I closed Surveyor and reopened. Everything looked okay but the splines were now locked. I could not move them or delete them. I opened Driver and everything looked and worked okay.
I went back to Surveyor and the track have moved completely out of position and could not be moved back into position.

What puzzles me is Why doesn't the problem occur as soon as I replace the track? What happens when I close Surveyor and reopen it that causes the problem or at least makes it visible. Maybe the configs? For the moment I'm going to assume there's a problem with the replacement track.
This is a track that I created by modifying the original track. I simply reduced the length in the config to try to get smoother curves in a tight bend. I only changed the length and added my own kuid to avoid having the same kuid number.

I'm going to check the config one more time and then call it quits if I don't find something.

Thanks to all who have responded to my thread.
