Track Maps for Queensland Coal Industry


New member
Hi All
I am wondering if anyone in the community can help me out or point me in the right direction for Track Maps/Plans. I have tried searching Google for them but so far have only come up with U.S based maps. My overall goal is to develop the Queensland Open Cut and Underground Rail Line. Because this area is vast and has many mines I reckon its a good candidate for a layout as it has the possibilities of becoming a very busy layout with the added feature of a Port Terminal at the end. If anyone could help me out that would be great as I started with the 1st edition of Trains and have just today purchased 2010 online so come on Mr Postman ;). Trainz has been a great Simulator for me as I have never yet stepped away from it unlike all the other games I have played so am looking forward to the latest edition to arrive (although the missus probably aint :hehe:)

Again thanks for any help received. daninmky