Too many assets in Surveyor Tools panel?

A feature I would like to see in Trainz is the ability to remove unwanted assets from the Surveyor Tools panel. There are loads of assets which I never use, and quite a few are payware items "missing dependencies", which items are impossible to remove. The Search and Picklist facilities are helpful in finding and selecting assets, but I still think the Tools panel could do with a rethink.

Just saying...
You can apply a filter to the list of assets shown in the panels. Press Ctrl+Shift+F to bring up the filter dialogue window in Surveyor. You can then apply the same filter parameters that you would use in CM.
The best filter of all is
Payware = false
Built in = false
Locally modified = false

Save it as DLS ONLY. While that filter is running you can also refine your search by typing a keyword.
You could further refine it by adding
Faulty = false

Cheers Graeme
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Many thanks, pware, but I already use the content search filter. It's very useful, but I am tending to get a large list of saved filters. I just thought it would be nice if I could limit the Tools selections to the relatively few that I need, adding them back, of course, if I ever need to.

Perhaps a more irritating aspect is that the Region attribute is rarely entered; being able to remove all non-UK locos, for example, would be handy for me as a UK user.

Having said all that, Trainz is still great.


One thing I would love to see is sort of a favourites panel. Separated by user-defined tabs in which you could just add the stuff you regularly use. I.e you could have a tab for non-protrack that just contained the track you used plus perhaps its matching ballast assets. If you could then export this 'Favourites' panel so you could import into different routes, or perhaps to multiple users so that you are all working from the same assts etc.

This "new" Surveyor may have some new layout that would allow filter manipulation - sorting, tabulating, etc. There are probably other large volume data sources that would benefit.
One thing I would love to see is sort of a favourites panel.
Isn't that what the pick list is for. At least, I use it to keep my favorite objects close at hand.

As for hiding things you don't use that can't be deleted, you could always "Disable" them in CM.
Sort of yes I agree I was just thinking of something that offered more flexibility (i.e. tabbed lists). the pick list gets crowded quite quickly being a simple list.
This sounds like a great feature, which is why it is one of the [many new] things possible in S20.
Just a reminder in case a new user or someone may have missed it. You can select items in CM (Content Manager) and save them to a new or existing picklist. (right click > save to pick list)
For a SEARCH to function correctly the creators would first need to name, classify, and describe their assests correctly and in detail. Sadly, that just doesn't seem to happen....
I will add to the point above that English is not everyone's first language and that there is no universal way that the railroads themselves name, describe and classify actual objects. For example - a "Caboose" in US/Canada is a "Guard Van" in UK/Aus. "Track Ties" in US are "Sleepers" in UK/Aus, etc.
What are you trying to do that the current search and filter options can't do? (Could be that we can make a change or maybe it can be done already)

What would be nice if in the new surveyor is if we could create folders then drag assets into them. That way if assets are mislabeled or classified they can still be found easily.
Hert - that sounds like "Picklists". Select items in Content Manager or in game and Add to Picklist