Thrall Material Handling Car update!


Virtual Amtrak
Hi all, as i've been finishing and getting some of my cars ready for release, i thought i'd update you all on my MHC. Josh harvey helped me out with some of the modeling, and i made the texture map. Heres a shadow render of the MHC car, ill be doing the 1400 and 1500 series basically just different trucks.


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no we need more detailed superliners, and viewliners, and the rest of coreys stuff, and we can replicate all amtrak trains in existance
There was recently over 100 of these parked on a siding just outside of town here in Santa Maria. I noticed they are gone now but it was crazy to see them stretch out for miles.
Im getting to them, im pretty sure ill be modeling every heritage car so even if you dont know what half of them are, you can mix and match random cars, ill include consists in the configs.

I'm sorry, but I have to inform you that the MHCs (until the Creator gets them done, he's currently MIA from the community) will not be released.

Sorry guys.
Is this because he still hasn't gotten any help with SP2 compatibility, or is he MIA for personal reasons, if you don't mind my asking?
when or where will this car be available for download.



did you take notice of when the last post was made?

Is this because he still hasn't gotten any help with SP2 compatibility, or is he MIA for personal reasons, if you don't mind my asking?

Personal reasons. although he keeps talking about comming back. but so far he has only talked the talk and hasn't started to walk the walk yet.

Just out of curiosity, what reasons would someone be MIA from a project?

Loss of interest in the game itself, content creation, bored, busy with something in real life...the list goes on. His reasons are his own business. Great equipment was being created, but alas, they just never made it past that final hurdle from factory to station.