Those who use CCleaner in Windows 10 - watch out with the November Update...


Tutorial Creator
Hi Trainzers,

I've just discovered on mine after installing the latest public Windows 10 build (10586.14) that one of the things the update removes is CCleaner.

I would suggest that those who have updated to said build check their Windows.old folder in case theirs has been put there.

From my own experience, it's not too bad, and registry cleaning is only part of what the tool can do (although that's my personal opinion).

Just had an update to 10586.17 Ccleaner has not been removed, Perhaps as I don't allow it to run on start up and monitor things, Only thing that got removed here in the large OS update was an old copy of CPUz I'd forgotten existed! CCleaner barely scratches the surface on a registry clean so unlikely to cause any damage or actually serve any useful purpose. OK for cleaning Temporary files.
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You're probably lucky in that case although mine is set to monitor.


P.S. Have you had a look at my new forum?
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I didn't lose mine either and I don't allow it to run on startup either.

To be honest, I only use it to mostly cleanup the junk that's left over in the temp folders as I found it didn't clean up anything useful either.

Just a word of warning in this regard. N3V in their infinite wisdom has placed some T:ANE settings in the App Data/Local/Temp! This folder gets cleaned out unless it is added to the exception list. This may not be necessary post SP1 though. According to Chris B. this has been fixed by moving the folder elsewhere - probably under the App Data/local/N3V Games, which is my guess.

I've got App Data/Local/Temp! excluded already when it was first brought up, worth reminding people though while it's still there!
Thankyou for the information Malc and John. It appears it's connected with auto-start versions (I use the Pro version).
