This minor query will be a needle in a haystack!


Active member
Must be several days ago I came across someone who was building a route and he had a couple of pictures up. One of them showed inside a station and a line of ticket machine barrier type items. That really caught my eye as I have been after such for a long time so I put a message up asking where the platform entrance machine could be got. Trouble is I did not take a dashed note of the site so taking a chance to see if anyone might recall this forum item within the last week. Know a long shot but worth a try!
That really caught my eye as I have been after such for a long time so I put a message up asking where the platform entrance machine could be got.

Do you mean that you posted a reply in the thread? If so, you can find it by selecting My Profile at the top of this page, and then Find Latest Posts.
Must be several days ago I came across someone who was building a route and he had a couple of pictures up. One of them showed inside a station and a line of ticket machine barrier type items. That really caught my eye as I have been after such for a long time so I put a message up asking where the platform entrance machine could be got. Trouble is I did not take a dashed note of the site so taking a chance to see if anyone might recall this forum item within the last week. Know a long shot but worth a try!

Try,.... "London Liverpool ST Station Ticket Barrier (Group)"