This close to giving up on Trainz.


New member
I got hit with a complete and total whitewash of CM. Even took my user ID number, which I had to completely uninstall the game (twice) and change my password before CM even recognized who the hell I was!!. Everything I've created and transferred to CM and everything I've downloaded from the DSL is gone. After another one of those data update things, everything went to hell. Who in their right mind said let's keep everything you download on some server somewhere? Just give it to me and let me put it on my hard drive where it will be safe from your meddling hands Trainz!
Saved my route about 6 days ago on an external drive, reinstalled it and the only things that came up were the terrain, a few things that I had uploaded to DSL and some crappy Auran stuff. This is unacceptable. I will reinstall everything one more time and start over on my route that I've been working on for 2 years. One more time Trainz and you can suck it. I shouldn't even attempt it actually. The last time this happen only a few F9's and some rolling stock went bad, after I had fixed them...apparently everything I did to fix engines and rolling stock to work, means nothing to these people. I spent way too many hours working on something spectacular to having it destroyed by some unseen hand!!!
Oh please. Hardly a laptop sir, but thanks for weighing in...this is Trainz doing whatever they want with CM. There is absolutely no memory of my creations that I have transferred to CM, about 200 in all...except 4 things that I uploaded to DSL. They show up, everything else, that I had no intention of ever sharing on the DSL, gone. Even SAM tracks, which are not mine, are gone.
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Who in their right mind said let's keep everything you download on some server somewhere?
Stuff you use is actually downloaded on your PC. No clue who told you otherwise, but they are wrong in case of Trainz.

Are you new to the computer age or did you hear about making backups of your PC? Assuming the later, just restore your backup and move on.
1 Tb external hard drives for data backup run around $99.95 (probably less by now). Not exactly a budget breaker. You might consider buying one and please keep in mind it can backup all your data - not just Trainz data.

If you are using Windows Vista or later, are you running Trainz as administrator? (simply using an administrator account is not sufficient)

Saved my route about 6 days ago on an external drive, reinstalled it and the only things that came up were the terrain, a few things that I had uploaded to DSL and some crappy Auran stuff.

Saving your route to that external drive is not sufficient as a backup. You also need to save all the assets that are used in that route - the dependencies.
Then, when your hard drive fails, you can reinstall trains and re-load those assets back into the database (if they are not already built-in) and your route is up and running again.

Or, just backup the whole Trainz folder so that you don't even have to re-install.
Hey Ben, downloaded lot's of your stuff...all of which I must now download again. I have all of my creations saved on external, the hassle of committing them all back into CM is what I dread. Many, many files. The main problem I have is CM losing me completely, as if I were never there. CM temporarily lost my user ID #, which I had to jump through hoops to retrieve, through reinstalling and such. Got all that back, but previous downloads and creation transfers are lost. So I'm left with the same user name, same ID number and a brand new game, I guess.
I have the raw files, yes. Not sure why the CM lost me the way they did, but not much to do now than learn from mistakes in backups and try again...spoze.
You have done a database rebuild - right.

You will keep a copy of the local file with all you personal and downloaded assets are before you reinstall - right
Bad day at the office, sweetie? Jesus. The problem isn't with back up, the problem is CM not believing I have been a customer. I was deleted. One day I'm there, the next I'm not. ???? Consequently, all previous work posted to the CM was also deleted.
I retrieved my route, with all my assets, however, the Misc tab was missing 80% of everything that was there yesterday. It's not just about my stuff, it's about everybody's stuff except Auran's crap. All that was listed. SAM tracks, gone. Bendorsy's stuff, Cincysouthern, gone, ect. This is after one of those horrible 35 minute content updates Trainz does periodically. When it was finished, everything was gone, including my ID User # on CM. A backup might have been fine in restoring my route, which it did, however the problem lies with CM not knowing who I am or what perennial people in this game have uploaded.
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I hate to sound stubborn or disrespectful, but I believe that the only way this can be understood is if you stop pointing fingers at N3V or the Trainz developers (as most of us here seem to jump straight too, and even I myself am guilty of that) and try to figure out what exactly happened and how we can fix this.

I've had to go through the frustrating process of restoring data from my HDD when it corrupted once. For a graphic designer and photographer, it was a horribly painful experience that left me pretty angry at just about everyone I could think of blaming. I now know that it was in fact the product of my own outdated setup and how I was maintaining it (or rather, lack of).

I'm sorry if I can't help directly, but others can so long as you change your attitude towards this
This sounds like you ran an Extended Database Repair (EDR).

Once you do that, it loses your login information for some reason. This is a known bug which N3V is well aware of, at least in TS12, but I'll bet a few Quid and a few bucks that it also affects TS2010 as well.

You need to do the following in CM

- Renter your user information.
- Check for items open for edit if you had a hang while editing and/or downloading.*
- Check for faulty assets. This is normal after a DBR and all you need to do is view errors and warnings which will magically repair these faux errors.*

Once you do this you should be back in business. You just need to do things methodically rather than throwing everything up in the air in panic, although we all do that at times! :)


* Normal for both a quick as well as an extended repair.
The problem is CM not believing I have been a customer. I was deleted. One day I'm there, the next I'm not. ???? Consequently, all previous work posted to the CM was also deleted.

I've had this before. I just turned off the computer, went outside and enjoyed the sunshine. The next day I tried again and everything was fine.

If it's a CM issue "deleting" you it's more likely to be a busy server timing out and not retrieving your details.

Sometimes just waiting is the answer.
I forced a shut down of the system partially through the content update process. When I returned to the game, I had a brand new game. Day one. CM had my user name and password but refused my ID#. Wouldn't even let me plug the number in to the space. After changing my password and reinstalling twice, finally got everything up again, but like I said, it's a new game, right out of the box new. I thought backing up my route the way I did would be enough but clearly, I was wrong in that assessment. But like I said before, I did retrieve my route just fine with all the assets I put into it, it is that the assets were not in CM. Loco from DSL were gone as were locos from places like Jointed Rail. I suppose the moral is, don't force a shutdown when the damn content update is running. Live and learn I suppose.