

Imagination At Work
Hello, it's me again, you may have seen me on here start a couple things like about the B&O Camelback (sorry about thinking I could get it easy btw, thanks for pointing me in the right direction), and CP 2816, but now I'm here to talk about not a specific locomotive I'm trying to find, but rather...............a site. You can probably tell from the title.

Paulz Trainz had formed the backbone for years, offering locomotives at a reasonable price that weren't otherwise done at the time, like the GS-2, Triplex, NYC Empire State Express Hudson, and more besides.

Now, I recently decided to check the site out, but I came across a 404 error. Now, before you make any kind of judgement, prior to this, I saw a few threads that told about the site being down before, so I do have some sense of understanding that this could only be temporary. Nevertheless, if anyone knows about the state of the site, even the site creator himself, feel free to provide some info here. :)
Maybe your area ISP is blocking the site?
Have you tried connecting from a phone, or computer/device not using your home ISP?

I have tried one other computer. Same thing. Antivirus is also identifying it as a dangerous site.

EDIT: .........But I can access it through my phone.
Thanks, I used that link, and interestingly, the resulting website I went to worked normally for me on the PC.

But fortunately, I'm able to access it on my phone. Since the stuff ordered usually comes via email, I could still use the computer to download them.
Hello, it's me again, you may have seen me on here start a couple things like about the B&O Camelback (sorry about thinking I could get it easy btw, thanks for pointing me in the right direction), and CP 2816, but now I'm here to talk about not a specific locomotive I'm trying to find, but rather...............a site. You can probably tell from the title.

Paulz Trainz had formed the backbone for years, offering locomotives at a reasonable price that weren't otherwise done at the time, like the GS-2, Triplex, NYC Empire State Express Hudson, and more besides.

Now, I recently decided to check the site out, but I came across a 404 error. Now, before you make any kind of judgement, prior to this, I saw a few threads that told about the site being down before, so I do have some sense of understanding that this could only be temporary. Nevertheless, if anyone knows about the state of the site, even the site creator himself, feel free to provide some info here. :)
Just talking / doing business with Paul the other night. Alive and well!
My site sometimes throws a wobbly, its down to over zealous checking by some browsers. Remember its an old site with many hundreds of pages packed with stuff. All is good there, Will be updateing soon with lots of SP and UP coaches, about 30 of them in the set. Also soon to be uploading LOTS of UK Southern Railway items like stations, signal boxes, bridges etc etc.
So, I'm not the only one after all.

I did notice that my current antivirus, Bitdefender, instantly blocked it too, returning as an "unmatching security certificate".
Checking today and the 404 Page is back

This error returns in Chrome, Brave and MS Edge
This site opens perfectly on Firefox. You need "http" at the beginning of the address, not ''https". This is the correct link:


How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome

Chrome has an allowlist of sites that can use insecure content (http).
Go to chrome://settings/content/insecureContent
and you can add sites to the list named Allowed to show insecure content.
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This site opens perfectly on Firefox. You need "http" at the beginning of the address, not ''https". This is the correct link:


How to stop an automatic redirect from “http://” to “https://” in Chrome

Chrome has an allowlist of sites that can use insecure content (http).
Go to chrome://settings/content/insecureContent
and you can add sites to the list named Allowed to show insecure content.
None of those chrome settings work for me.
I used to have Firefox installed, but have removed it quite a while ago.

Thanks for the help