Thinking about buying Trainz 2019

As I've said many times, stick with Tane. Trs19 has fewer useful features, has no scoring and has lots of issues especially with built in routes and so much industry that is broken. But that's just my opinion (and a few others). I found it too frustrating that you can't do in TRS19 what you CAN do in Tane. My 2 cents. Sure the graphics are a little better but that doesn't make the game more playable IMHO. Below is a screenshot in Tane :)

I'm not sure buying 2019 is a wise move to begin with actually for the simple reason I ONLY dabble in surveyor.

I also agree with Forester1. There is no comparison with TRS 19 over previous versions (even TANE). IMHO, TS2019 is a cut above other versions of Trainz, even if you just work in surveyor. Far more realistic scenery. if put together right. Turf X, etc requires some learning, but once mastered, you can create far more realistic looking scenery. (For eg; have a look at Philskene's TS2019 layouts screenshots and you will see what I mean).

If you feel that TS2019 is not for you, (for whatever reason) why not consider giving Tane SP4 a spin. It's a big improvement over TS2012 SP1 HF4. I'm sure you will enjoy either Tane or TS2019.

Cheers, Mac...