The Work of PVincent342


New member
Im gonna start a thread for my work , since I dont want to waste a million threads for my work and I want to put it all in 1 place.

So heres the 1st Course in our Luxury Meal of Trainz Screenshots:

A Horizon Coach Salad with a side of Genesis Sauce




Next Course is soon , bon appetit :p
More , Heres our Next Course:

A McGinnis FA1 with a side of SLE Coaches:



FA1 By Someone Else , SLE Coaches by PVincent342
The 3rd Course ,

Le Agence Metropoliatine de Transport
(In English, an AMT F40PH served with an AMT Coach, fresh from the oven)



All Trains made by PVincent342
A Intermission for you stuffed Trainz Fans,
The MBTA Bus Stop Show : The 34E Tour



Signs "modified" by PVincent342 :p
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Heres an encore from my Route , yet to be named , from the City of Cantebury:


The Afternoon Lineup @ Cantebury Station


A Progress Shot of Cantebury Yard.

Thanks for coming to the PVincent342 Bistro , Come again soon ;):p
LOL Brian. Its gonna be the Greenville Sub @ Ayer JCT and The Twin City Corridor from Cantebury to New Haven. Its gonna be Twin City Corridor & Greenville Sub. My Sig says Greenville Sub as it goes from Ayer JCT to Port Javier via Greenville.
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Allright People , jeez , Fine , the Credits

P42=Magicland => Jefff944
MBTA Signs = Arum + Muttsmooch
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Sorry Corey, I thought PerRock did them , my mistake , im still having trouble @ the AGZ Site though...........
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Just because you tried to make it seem you made some elite stuff, dosnt mean you have to have them close the thread. If you want people to calm down, make sure you credit the real authors..
Its allright , i re-credited the right people , im not trying to brag, but im just trying to show my reskins , its a gallery for reskins.
And don't forget to credit the authors of the signs!

Arum and myself made them, not you. You changed a number...

"Signs by PVincent342"

Yeah, right.

Yes but he had to carefully select the appropiate font, size, colour and number, then position it carefully so it lined up with the other numbers and letters on the sign. I really think you have to give him some credit.

The last set of numbers I did on a reskin took me three days to get right, and even then one of my beta testers thought I'd used to modern a font. Mind you they were running numbers and getting the size and the background to the numbers exactly right took the time.

Note to PVincent342 I suggest that if you are going to do reskins then it's a sensible idea to credit the mesh creators where ever possible and butter them up a bit. That way you encourage them to create more reskinable meshes, are more likely to get permission to reskin another of their works, and remember you need their permission to upload or distribute a reskin.

Cheerio John