The Lego Train Project!

Can we just all agree that this thread is dead until we see screenshots? I like the idea, but until progress is made, or someone asks a genuine question seeking genuine help for something, most of this is just colored bubbles......

*Blows some air out his cheeks*
Actually that is not true I know of a many items by the same creator that are both in Railworks and Trainz, Dovetail are quite happy to enter into discussion with content creators about content licensing and do not have blanket rules like once it is on the DLS we are allowed free rein over your creations with out talking to the original creator.
It's sadly a one or the other case. If you make something for RW, Dovetail's policy is that it cannot be released for any other simulation. It may sound a bit harsh (especially the way I just said it) but it's their method of monitoring copyright and distribution.
There are some threads that you just know are going to cause a lot of heat. There are others that just know you're going to cringe at

Not saying this thread fits either. That's up to you guys to decide :wave:
Until someone actually creates Lego Trainz ... There is really nothing to post about, or to discuss ... if 24 people had never responded with their feelings and comebacks to the OP ... the thread would have fallen silent, and died of natural causes ... general non-interest ... stop posting responses ... and it will probably go away
It's sadly a one or the other case. If you make something for RW, Dovetail's policy is that it cannot be released for any other simulation. It may sound a bit harsh (especially the way I just said it) but it's their method of monitoring copyright and distribution.

I can just release one Lego train for RW and and release another set for Trainz

Today I will have time on my laptop.I will download the needs the get started.Suggest the sets I should make!
Might be interesting to see if you can import files from the lego digital designer into something that would make them easy to set up in trainz like 3ds max
Today I will have time on my laptop.I will download the needs the get started.Suggest the sets I should make!
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Might be interesting to see if you can import files from the lego digital designer into something that would make them easy to set up in trainz like 3ds max

If you could, I would think they might have a high poly count. Which would kill FPS on lower end systems.
Today I will have time on my laptop.I will download the needs the get started.Suggest the sets I should make!
How about starting with one of these?

Before anyone waves a (TM) flag, read the top of the brick.
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Yup, I agree!

I haven't said anything here until now so let me explain about projects as they pertain to hobbies.

Hobbies are supposed to be fun, and we know that. The problem is projects start as ideas and ideas grow. And they grow bigger and bigger as more and more of ideas and branches on the ideas get thrown into the pot. This sounds all great and wonderful. The problem is these sights and ideas of grandeur become a chore. What was thought of as being a fun project now takes longer than planned, making the project no longer fun. When this happens, the project becomes a dead end just like hundreds or perhaps thousands of them here.

The thing is start small to get the grips on what it's like to make stuff. It doesn't have to be the Lego thing you want, just use the tools and learn to make something. Once you get this under your belt, you can look to higher and bigger horizons along the way.

I'm saying this as someone who has experienced this not only with Trainz, but also with tons of other projects in other fields. I have a ton of aborted abandoned routes which I started and deleted, assets I tried making in GMax and Blender where I gave up and recently deleted, and tons of other things. In music, which was also a career, albeit briefly, I have started and back burnered many big piano pieces. I mean Piano Concertos by Chopin and Beethoven, which were probably too difficult for me to attempt in the first place, many sonatas which have now taken me years to finally get right as I've gone back and looked at them with fresh eyes. This brings up something I want to discuss.

The idea of starting small, which I mentioned, means you'll make something within your abilities and actually accomplish something. There's nothing like drudging along on the same project, only to get frustrated because it's too difficult, like some of the sonatas I looked at. If you can get the smaller project done, and perhaps learn something from it, you can use this experience gained to work on something more complex. For me the Piano Concertos are dead projects, however, the sonatas have been progressively getting better. On one of them I have recently learned the other movements and can now play the piece all the way through. This is what I would consider a long term project, just like a big Trainz route, and more like a complex model which takes many, many months to get right.


Ditto. Greeni, who has apparently been away from Trainz for a while, is "getting back into Trainz". He even mentioned starting a plethora of UK models (20, 24, 25), which frankly, I'm excited for. I hope that his proposed models don't end up at a stub, abandoned like his/Tony Zayachkivsky Class 46 model, which was really good. I have learned not to become a slave to your hobby the hard way in reality, not Trainz, and I will never make that mistake again. So, I really try to encourage creators, veterans and starters alike, to not push themselves too hard. Because we all know, pushing yourself too hard and too fast will lead to eventually pushing yourself off a cliff ;).

Oh, and best of luck on your block train.
Hey Gooper1, I also used Legos on my "Mega Bloks" train. They are essentially the same thing.:p I don't have pics yet, but I used rails from a Lego Spiderman set as rails for my train. At a set distance it worked fine. I also took parts from an old Lego 4-wheeler set and used a winch on the cowcatcher. I also have Lego people "working" on and around my train! How's that for a showstopper?:wave:
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Ditto. Greeni, who has apparently been away from Trainz for a while, is "getting back into Trainz". He even mentioned starting a plethora of UK models (20, 24, 25), which frankly, I'm excited for. I hope that his proposed models don't end up at a stub, abandoned like his/Tony Zayachkivsky Class 46 model, which was really good. I have learned not to become a slave to your hobby the hard way in reality, not Trainz, and I will never make that mistake again. So, I really try to encourage creators, veterans and starters alike, to not push themselves too hard. Because we all know, pushing yourself too hard and too fast will lead to eventually pushing yourself off a cliff ;).

Oh, and best of luck on your block train.

I hope he does make those models. Greeni has done some nice work in the past. I agree it's not worth it pushing too hard at a hobby; it's not a job. :)

You need to store your images on a public server and make the references to them there. We can't see the images on your own computer.