TER Subway V1.1


The Chicago CTA guy
Since the Screenshots are 800x600, ill post this here

Well is been sevral months since i released my subway route, here several months later im trying to squash all bugs, errors, and other problems, as well as add to the layout

So, here's whats new

- Fixed several missing Switch Junctions (the Levers were missing)
- Changed the positation of several signals, so the 75' cars dont hit them
- Added 3 New Subway Stations, 1 on one line, 2 on another
- Added 3 Brand new Elevated Stations, as well as the surronding city
- Added more scenary and detail to the Yard Aream inculding people, boxes, buildings, scrap, etc...

Soon as im done with the fixes, ill be looking for several TER members to beta test it for me, i plan on setting the KUID2 to obselete the one now on the DLS with this new update, as it fixes several bugs that existed in the first release, as well as new sections

Here are some pictures of the new section of the route








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I'll beta test Klinger!!!
I have never found a good Subway route, but, i'll find a good use for this one.
I built those tracks a while ago before I lost them to a hard drive failure, They are at the moment exclusivly availible only in TER's Monesson city, Until Kingler Releases his route, which btw im very impressed with, glad to see my content being used :D
ah thats where they came from then :D

i just found them on my computer, they looked good so i used them, now i know how they actually got there
sorry, i dont have a working copy of 2004 at this time, and i dont really want to DL all the service packs again, and there is really no way to move all the 2004 and below content from 2006 back to 2004, so it would take a long long long long time to make this 2004 compatiable....now if some one else wants to do it for me.....ill gladly allow that
Hey, Klinger, this route looks very similar to the city of Lost Heaven in the game Mafia. Definitely will be downloading this wonder! :D
I didnt know there was a way to reverse it, but at any rate, the tracks are 04. The route is 06 and like klinger said, unless someone else does it, it probrably wont be done for a while...I would just get a copy of 06 I mean its not a big deal.
The new section looks very cool! :D

It looks as though they may have to invest in some "Mind the 9 Inch Gap" signs though... :p

I really wish there were some NYC-esque elevated platforms available to accompany the subway set.

WOW ... I have stand on that station ... from the first pix!!


Big K

Great work ... I can't wait to run it ... I think I name one of my many staions to come to the DLS after you ...

An underground/above station ...

Far out Klinger you Guys realy have trainz going underground and above?:confused: :D

Yep, the NYC Subway System has the most diverse track layouts probably in the world. With most subway lines across the world, there's usually a 2-track line used by either one or more lines, with mostly island platforms and island platforms.

In NYC, you have normal 2-track lines with island and side platforms, but it goes far beyond that, there's 3-tracks lines with bi-directional express trains (1) (2), 4-track lines with local on the outside and express on the middle tracks Youtube Youtube #1 YouTube #2 YouTube #3, stations lying on loops YouTube, subway lines running outdoors on elevated lines N Train - Astoria, M Train - Brooklyn, 7 Train - Queens, A Train - Queens, F Train - Brooklyn subway lines running over bridges M Train - Manhattan to Brooklyn via Williamsburg Bridge, B Train - Manhattan Bridge subway lines running on ex-commuter railroad lines A Train - Far Rockaway (Great Views, you'll never think you're on a subway train), and finally subway lines running on embankments B Train - Prospect Park. I know this is a heck of a lot but hopefully it'll give you and others a look at the system. :)

Here's a few more links I found showing the subway trains above ground:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNEzoHZa-30 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijXJQlzGNlg
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