Template fever...


Sphenodon Punctatus
Okay, so I thought it might be a good idea to use templates for my curves on my new layout to try and curb my overactive imagination...


... I realise I have a considerable degree of ignorance about how to use 'em.

For example MrDen has produced a whole bunch of them and they look good, but sometimes they are referred to in degrees (1.75, 2, 2.25 etc) and sometimes they are referred to as 100m, 150m, 300m etc. Huh?

1/ Would some kind soul please explain to this old geezer what these numbers refer to and what they mean?

2/ Would some kind soul please explain (using these numbers) as to which are the tightest curves that would typically be used by railways etc etc?

There are also a whole bunch of other templates too but I guess the reference system works the same way. Some guidance here would be greatly appreciated.

