I'm building a large terminus station using Andy's station kit,
in regards to single locomotive trains - when the train is empty, do the locomotive pushes the carriages out to a yard or do they get towed out (including the loco) by a switcher, specifically what is the practice in UK?
If so do departing trains that start their journey at terminus, I assume they'd have to first back into the terminus with the loco at the head of the train? Or is terminus an "end of journey only" type of station?
in regards to single locomotive trains - when the train is empty, do the locomotive pushes the carriages out to a yard or do they get towed out (including the loco) by a switcher, specifically what is the practice in UK?
If so do departing trains that start their journey at terminus, I assume they'd have to first back into the terminus with the loco at the head of the train? Or is terminus an "end of journey only" type of station?