TANE Content error


New member
I installed trainz a new era and launched it. At first it seemed normal but i can't join any multiplayer servers and some world's world load. It says i don't have "General Goods". When i go to content manager it says quite a few are faulty. (Contact me by replying or adding me on skype: mak47)
It shows you do not have your copy of Trainz registered with MyTrainz. Go and register your copy and maybe then we can help you further.
I haven't had experience with Steam, but I would think they had to have sent you an activation key to be able to get it running. If they did, that would be the key you need to register on MyTrainz website.
World : World.AddDriverCommand> failed to load asset: <kuid:103475:60041> (file world.gs)

function $DriverCommand@World::AddDriverCommand(Asset), line -1
function $void@DriverCommandRule::CreateCommandsNow(), line 396
function $void@DriverCommandRule::Pause(bool), line 58
I haven't had experience with Steam, but I would think they had to have sent you an activation key to be able to get it running.

T:ANE CE for Steam does not currently offer anything like this. You'll have to bear with us until the final release is available.
