TANE:CE v1.1


New member
I have seen a lot of the posts about the above and only wish that I could get in to see what it is like.

I have now downloaded this five times and although it appearers to download OK, the set-up.exe doesn't even work and absolutely nothing happens, either when I double click on it or right click and 'Open'.

I have used the Task Manager to see if something might be going on in the background but all I get is that TANE is 'not responding'

At least the first release actually opened!

Anyone else having this problem
Can take quite a long time for the window to open. Even if you get the not responding message it is working.

There is a note that should come up saying depending on hardware it could take up 20 minutes before the actual process starts.
Are you seeing just an almost blank widow, or nothing at all?
It does take a long long time before anything happens you just have to wait and wait and wait eventually you will get a box up which does show you what it is doing
PS if you do check the taskmanager in the early stages you will get the not responding message .
Do not attempt to cancel close the taskmanager and continue to wait
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