Surveyor problem


New member
I have TRS19 build:117009. Every time I open Create Route, there's PBR Grass 8 Seasonal as a default and I can't delete it?
And when I click Show Wireframe, I get white layer with black wireframe instead grey background and yellow wireframe?
That annoying black and white wireframe disappear when I zoom out. How can I get that yellow/grey wireframe that I used to?
I have TRS19 build:117009. Every time I open Create Route, there's PBR Grass 8 Seasonal as a default and I can't delete it?
Since no-one else has responded, I will put in my 2c worth.

It has been years since I used TRS19 so this may not apply (it works with Trainz Plus and TRS22).

In the Surveyor Display Menu there is (in Trainz+ and TRS22) a Ground option. This has three sub options one of which is Grid. Select this to remove the default textured ground.

Also check if you have a Region specified as your default - open the Edit Menu, select the Edit Route option. This may have the ground texture set as its default. This is a more complex solution and details can be found at How_to_Create_a_Region_Asset.

There are "texture free" versions of the common region assets available on the DLS. These use the TRS19 grid.

Some examples:-
<kuid:45176:100490> Australia with TRS19 Grid
<kuid:45176:100362> United Kingdom with TRS19 Grid
<kuid:45176:100437> United States with TRS19 Grid
<kuid:45176:100481> France with TRS19 Grid
<kuid:45176:100488> Germany with TRS19 Grid
<kuid:45176:100499> Switzerland with TRS19 Grid

Install one that is suitable and in the Edit Route option Region drop down menu select the installed region. The only thing it changes is to swap the default ground texture to the TRS19 standard grid pattern.