Surveyor tips and tricks


Unidentified bogie
I believe the last thread got hijacked, and has been dead for over a month now. I did not bother bumping it due to this.

Post any good tips or tricks in this thread. Tips can be helpful for many newcomers who are just discovering surveyor, or oldfolks that may be wanting to figure out how to do something faster. :)

My tips...
1. Hold down the shift button while rotating an object to roll it. Although this isn't available on every object.
2. The straighten track tool works on regular splines too.
3. Try adding these to the end of the trainzoptions.txt/trainzclassicoptions.txt file:
Shows whether Trainz is caching an area or not. Handy for if you're wondering why trainz might be slowing down at times.

Shows the KUID of the currently selected asset. Very handy, if see a certain asset and want to track it down you now know it's KUID. etc. etc.

Allows you to move freely around inside a train Cab. You're no longer locked into one place now.

4. Copy and paste is your friend. Allows you to knock out large areas/tasks in a breeze.

5. Don't use double track. It's a lousy shortcut. ;)

EDIT: 6. Hold down shift as you are moving or placing a spline point to prevent it from joining another spline (also do this for if the spline is incompatible with another spline, which can prevent it from being place. Hold down shift to make it go down). This is a godsend if you are working with a very complex area!

Chris. :wave:
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7. -debug
Shift allows 'zooming' speed in driver to check track connections without traveling the route at regular speed.
Hi Every one,

My tip is how to get rid of ninja objects in surveyor, you know the ones once placed it is almost impossible to locate their 'handle' to move then or delete them. Some of the culprits are smoke effects, I believe an item in TRS 2006 is some Eagles and it is very easy to accidentally placed them on the map.

OK to get rid of them go to the Tools 'F5' tab, in Copy and Paste make sure that only 'Paste Objects' is highlighted. Now select an area of your map that has no objects in it then paste it over the ninja object you want to delete and 'Wooosh!' it's gone!

By the way, one content creator has done the job properly. check kuid:101927:100677 ATH waterspout.
Because it was difficult to select in surveyor the creator added a large 'handle' that only shows up in surveyor which makes it very easy to move or delete. :D

That reminds me, in UTC the first item when you opened the objects tab and surveyor was those cheeky horses!
It was very easy to accidentally click the mouse and inserted a horse or two. I would be cruising about the map and would hear "Neigh! Neigh!" from a horse hiding in a tree or a building ....... "Grrr! where IS the &^%# animal?"

Simple but useful

In surveyor you can use the arrow keys to rotate the view and tilt the view. Hold the SHIFT key down to get more precise control of both movements.

Holding down the CTRL key while using the arrow keys will move the compass around the map with more precise control.

when making a long row of houses, use a spline, its saves time and seems to stop it from lagging (if your computer is as bad as mine)
I think an underlooked feature could be surveyor auto-saving. Use it. Quite a few times I've forgot to save and TC crashes, but the auto-saving had saved the route to a point to where the data lost was nothing to complain or whine over.

Use randomly rotate new objects when placing trees. It will certainly make it look less redundant.

Open CMP then click "File">"Settings">"Miscellaneous" then tick the Auto Save box and set it to the frequency you want.I use 10 minutes....:cool:
Thats odd..........:confused: ............I just opened "MY" CMP and the Auto Save Panel is under the Custom Script Editor panel......:confused: .........Have you installed SP1 ? Maybe Auto Save isn"t available if you haven"t?