S 2.0 Height datum


New member
I am getting increasingly frustrated with the way height readings for spline endpoints are sometimes from base 0.0 and sometimes seem to relate to the ground or other object beneath the spline.

I am trying to model a track layout that runs for much of its length on a viaduct but then on ground. The ground is generally at +3.0m and the viaduct at +9.0m sloping down at the end to the +3.0m. Some of the spline endpoints on the track on the viaduct give height as +9.0 but some are at +12.0m [seemingly making the viaduct 9.0m above the 3.0m ground]. The old Surveyor 1.0 had levels all above base 0.0 which is the logical way. Have I done something odd or do the heights in S 2.0 vary from relative to absolute heights?

Hoping for clarity in the fog!
do the heights in S 2.0 vary from relative to absolute heights?
No, they are all absolute heights.

The first thing to check is that when you select a spline endpoint it is on the track and not on the viaduct. One way to do this is to use the Filter Action drop down box in the S2.0 filter palette and set it to Filter Selection. Then select the Track icon in the Filter Palette. Select the track endpoint you want to measure. The Info Palette Pos data (not the Tool Options Palette Height setting) will reveal its height.

I just tried your setup using a viaduct spline set to 9m at one end and 3m at the other and laid a track spline along its length. I added multiple endpoints to both the track and the viaduct splines. It did not show the differences in height that you reported.
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