Stop BACKING UP!!!!!!1


Crabby Old Geezer
I have a route that is all loops.... there is no reason for any of my A.I.s to go in reverse... BUT---- I have one A.I. driver who, after loading his coal, insists on reversing himself and going backward. I have him set to drive VIA> a trackmark which is on down the line, forward from the coal chute... and yet, this dumby STILL reverses and goes backward which really screws everything up.:( Is there a command which I can activate that will tell all A.I. drivers to always go forward?
Stop Backingup

Hi Dave,

I don't think there is such a command, but after the load command try stop train, then wait 5 seconds, commands then drive via next trackmark.
I somtimes have to use these commands to get the driver to do what I want.

If there is a siding nearby, have the engineer uncouple and perform a Runaround and couple to the other end of the consist. If not, use Surveryor to create a siding.
Stop Backingup

If there is a siding nearby, have the engineer uncouple and perform a Runaround and couple to the other end of the consist. If not, use Surveryor to create a siding.

I think you should read the original post again and try to understand what the problem is before posting.
Just a suggestion.

if all of your consist leave the mine in the same direction put track direction markers down. should stop AI reversing.
That one AI driver still sees the shortest route as back the way he came even with the VIA trackmark command. Try inserting a DRIVE TO trackmark and see what happens.
The most satisfying solution would be to shoot the AI driver, but that is not practical. I think the suggestion about directional track markers is the best, if the track plan permits it.

You may also want to check out a very informative article, with illustrations, written by John D'Angelo for Virtual Railroader, that deals with a lot of AI issues. You can find that here:

Good Luck,
