Someone is interested in knowing the signals used in the US and Canada?


New member
Hi everyone!

My main interest was always with trains of Germany, because "Santa Claus" brought to me as a gift a set of electric train "Märklin".
Later I began to see information from those real trains, and so I got to know it better.

In these years I met Trainz and I had to adapt to other different signal systems. Something I did not understand was the case when you have 3 heads on a signpost of US.

Then I searched the Internet some instructive to inform me properly. So I found a video on YouTube that does exactly that purpose. Anyone who is interested in knowing in detail how the Canadian and US signals work - and most importantly: learn to interpret correctly in all its variations - I suggest you look at the next link :

The video has 3 parts (in the video itself appear links to the other parts).

To me it was very enlightening. I hope it does for you too.

Thanks for that.

Here is also one who explains US signals:

He has more good signal videos and more.

Hi R/Tom. Thanks for your input.

I already saw that video. The advantage of the link that I presented, is that it is subtitled what is said in explanation.

For someone whose native language is English, it has neither the minor importance.
But for those who - like me - quite understand but do not speak English fluently, it becomes paramount to understand correctly what explains.

Both videos are very helpful.
Danny Harmon has a third video in the same series. The thing is with North American signals, there are so many regional variations, and subtle differences among the various railroads within regions. This is only one system used by CSX, which may serve as a starter but doesn't represent all the US railroads. The West Coast and Midwest use a totally different system than the NORAC, which is the basis for the Eastern region signals.

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Hi JCitron.

In the videos Ian Juby mentions that there are all around EEUU many variations on this. The interesting thing is that here he explains the basic concept used to understand any other derivation. It also shows some variations.

That was fundamental to me to understanding those signals made with big rotating circular plates (for me was something absolutely unknown).

Thanks to this video, now I have a much clearer general overview and I can understand different types of signals.

So I recommend it for anyone who needs to remove doubts about this.
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