Some billboard trees/bushes have annoying lines above them


Not sure if there is a better place to post this, so it's going here. This is only happening (as far as i have tested) with some of the built in and freeware JVC stuff on the DLS

Here is a demonstration of what i mean:

Isn't it just -wonderful- driving around a route and seeing thousands of them?
Thats what happens when the UVWs of each polygon span the entire height of the texture map. At even the slightest MIP you see the bottom of the texture start to show up at the top of the polygon. You could eliminate it [or at least reduce it] by making the bottom couple rows of pixels on the textures completely transparent- otherwise you'd need to modify the UVW coordinates in the mesh.
Thats what happens when the UVWs of each polygon span the entire height of the texture map. At even the slightest MIP you see the bottom of the texture start to show up at the top of the polygon. You could eliminate it [or at least reduce it] by making the bottom couple rows of pixels on the textures completely transparent- otherwise you'd need to modify the UVW coordinates in the mesh.
Editing the texture in any way has not solved the issue, and editing the other image file, which is greyscale, just creates tons of errors
Thats what happens when the UVWs of each polygon span the entire height of the texture map. At even the slightest MIP you see the bottom of the texture start to show up at the top of the polygon. You could eliminate it [or at least reduce it] by making the bottom couple rows of pixels on the textures completely transparent- otherwise you'd need to modify the UVW coordinates in the mesh.

Another way to do this is to open the asset for edit and change the "tile=st" to "tile=none" in the ...texture.txt file. Here's a before and after using this technique:

View attachment 1272 (click to enlarge)

You can even see the texture artifacts throwing a shadow! Depending on how the asset was UV mapped, this technique may not work in all cases.

Easier to just do a mass replace with another asset.
Are you going to recommend a good alternative? I'd have done that if i found the alternatives i've already tried satisfactory.

Could you supply a list of KUIDs of this / these assets?

That way I can try and forward this to the Content Repair Group, together with this solution:
<Kuid:328583:2987> "JVC@-Desert plants#15 Desert Bush single" - It's on the DLS. Also, the tile=none trick does not/has not worked, still seeing the lines.
<Kuid:328583:2987> "JVC@-Desert plants#15 Desert Bush single" - It's on the DLS. Also, the tile=none trick does not/has not worked, still seeing the lines.

Unless TANE performance options can cause different results, the "tile=none" does indeed work with that particular asset:

View attachment 1273 (click to enlarge)

Image on left is "tile=st", image on right is "tile=none".
Unless TANE performance options can cause different results, the "tile=none" does indeed work with that particular asset:


Image on left is "tile=st", image on right is "tile=none".
I've got every setting cranked up as far as possible, and tile set to none, still seeing lines :/
What I've done is added a 2 pixel transparent line to the bottom of the image file and deleted a 2 pixel line from the top of the image file. Seems to have worked for most.