Renowned L&N Fanatic
Hello everyone.
I'm a subscriber of the Trainz Newsletter, and although I have not pre-ordered a T:ANE package, I have been keeping an eye on all of the updates about it. What I was wondering is what the big deal is? I don't mean to sound rude in any way, but by looking at the beta screenshots, it still looks to be the same as TS12, just a little more polished-up.
Now, I am fully aware that this is still in the beta stages of progress, and that maybe it just needs to be seen in-action to tell a significant enhancement or to shoot me that "wow!" factor, but currently I have not been "wowed" the same way that majority of others have been.
Maybe this is just my opinion?
I'm still gonna give it some time...
I'm a subscriber of the Trainz Newsletter, and although I have not pre-ordered a T:ANE package, I have been keeping an eye on all of the updates about it. What I was wondering is what the big deal is? I don't mean to sound rude in any way, but by looking at the beta screenshots, it still looks to be the same as TS12, just a little more polished-up.
Now, I am fully aware that this is still in the beta stages of progress, and that maybe it just needs to be seen in-action to tell a significant enhancement or to shoot me that "wow!" factor, but currently I have not been "wowed" the same way that majority of others have been.
Maybe this is just my opinion?
