The shine of my model and how to remove it?


New member
Greetings to all again. Gentlemen, I have a problem with my model. For some reason, it glitters on the shadow side, I don't need such an effect, I have a normal and PBR parameter map on the model. I'm making a model in blender, maybe I exported something wrong. Or maybe it's the pbr parameter map, but I don't know exactly what is responsible for this. I'm sorry for the stupid questions, but I'm just a beginner and still learning how to create content.
First, did you solve the problem of self-illumination mentioned in your previous Forum thread? It helps us understand your modelling problems if you reply with results of any changes.

For the shine problem, it looks like the typical effect of a PBR texture being “metallic”. This is controlled by the alpha channel of the parameters map. White is full-strength metal, black is non-metallic. For parts of the texture map that cover the tank, try making the alpha channel colour closer to black (less metallic).

If this does not solve the shine problem, you can make the surface less smooth by making the green channel of the parameters map closer to white. In Trainz terms, the parameter map green channel controls "roughness" (opposite of smoothness). White is maximum roughness, black is minimum roughness.
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Во-первых, вы решили проблему самосвечения, упомянутую в предыдущей теме Форума? Это поможет нам понять ваши проблемы моделирования, если вы ответите с результатами любых изменений.

Что касается проблемы блеска, то это похоже на типичный эффект PBR-текстуры, которая является «металлической». Это контролируется альфа-каналом карты параметров. Белый — это металл полной прочности, черный — неметаллический. Для частей карты текстуры, которые покрывают бак, попробуйте сделать цвет альфа-канала ближе к черному (менее металлический).

Если это не решит проблему блеска, можно сделать поверхность менее гладкой, приблизив зеленый канал карты параметров к белому. В терминах Trainz зеленый канал карты параметров управляет «шероховатостью» (противоположностью гладкости). Белый цвет — максимальная шероховатость, черный — минимальная шероховатость.
О, я очень ценю вашу помощь с последним вопросом. Сияние ушло, теперь все хорошо! Сейчас попробую исправить этот блеск и отпишусь с результатом! Спасибо за помощь!
First, did you solve the problem of self-illumination mentioned in your previous Forum thread? It helps us understand your modelling problems if you reply with results of any changes.

For the shine problem, it looks like the typical effect of a PBR texture being “metallic”. This is controlled by the alpha channel of the parameters map. White is full-strength metal, black is non-metallic. For parts of the texture map that cover the tank, try making the alpha channel colour closer to black (less metallic).

If this does not solve the shine problem, you can make the surface less smooth by making the green channel of the parameters map closer to white. In Trainz terms, the parameter map green channel controls "roughness" (opposite of smoothness). White is maximum roughness, black is minimum roughness.
Oh, I really appreciate your help with the last question. The glow is gone, everything is fine now! Now I will try to fix this shine and I will unsubscribe with the result! Thank you for your help!
First, did you solve the problem of self-illumination mentioned in your previous Forum thread? It helps us understand your modelling problems if you reply with results of any changes.

For the shine problem, it looks like the typical effect of a PBR texture being “metallic”. This is controlled by the alpha channel of the parameters map. White is full-strength metal, black is non-metallic. For parts of the texture map that cover the tank, try making the alpha channel colour closer to black (less metallic).

If this does not solve the shine problem, you can make the surface less smooth by making the green channel of the parameters map closer to white. In Trainz terms, the parameter map green channel controls "roughness" (opposite of smoothness). White is maximum roughness, black is minimum roughness.
Everything worked out. Thank you so much! The shine is gone
That is a great result, and thanks for reporting back on the previous problem.

Everything I suggested came from the sections on PBR textures in the Trainz Wiki. You are obviously an experienced 3D modeller (the tanker looks excellent), but I suggest that for future problem-solving, the Wiki should be the first place to look. If you cannot find anything there, then of course somebody on the Forum may be able to help.
That is a great result, and thanks for reporting back on the previous problem.

Everything I suggested came from the sections on PBR textures in the Trainz Wiki. You are obviously an experienced 3D modeller (the tanker looks excellent), but I suggest that for future problem-solving, the Wiki should be the first place to look. If you cannot find anything there, then of course somebody on the Forum may be able to help.
Yes, thank you! Okay, I'll study the wiki! Thank you for your help again!