Show us your Trainz space or where the magic happens


Just call my Captain Rude
This was a big hit on the old fourm so I was thinking to re start it here.

Just setting up my new office so here is my "were i play trainz and build content" space.

There is two laptops in the photo can you pick them, one that i use for work sitting on the chair and another that is used just for net surfing on silde out draw below my keyboard. Rail driver is sitting between my computer monitor and video monitor

Note the screen and keyboard and mouse for my second PC - why 2 PC's if you have every waited for 6 hours for video to render out, and still needing to get a trainz fix you know why
Pretty lights at night :)

Internet laptop now sitting on slide out tray that also is home to my VCR editing control unit and the mighty bearcat245 my name sake just above it on the coner of my desk.

Also not shown is my second DV VCR that is now siting on top of LG unit under the video monitor and yes that is a Commodor Monitor can not beat it for video quality.
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Well I don't have a photo right now but is a wooden desk with my computer on it and a deck of cards and LOTS of CD's EVERYWHERE and a coke bottle and a bowl with some rice left over in it, a packet of batteries and a packet of Allens red frogs....when I clean it up I'll take a pic:o

Toyota bB specifications
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bearcat, IS THAT AN ACER ASPIRE 3610? 'Cause I have the same thing! But, ever since I got my new one, I don't use it anymore. Nowadays, I just refer to it as "that piece of ****". I think many of you will know what swearword it was....:o
Hopefully the mods will let it stay this time, its quite interesting seeing everyone else's little hidey-holes! Our last few feet of personal space in this age of mobile phones and CCTV...

This is mine...

bearcat, IS THAT AN ACER ASPIRE 3610? 'Cause I have the same thing! But, ever since I got my new one, I don't use it anymore. Nowadays, I just refer to it as "that piece of ****". I think many of you will know what swearword it was....:o
Nope it an Acer Extensa 3000i its was the top of the line acer 2 years ago - now its just average
Order out of chaos

I'm not sure you'd call it Magic (a miracle perhaps!:hehe: ), but I am able to create a bit of order out of chaos!;)



This isn't right. This isn't even wrong.

WileeCoyote, I imagine Pauli would have said the same thing about String Theory!;)



sorry about the quality I had to take them fast(who ever can guess what steam loco and the scale wins a free diseal switcher)