Setting up TeamSpeak and a few other MP questions...please help, thanks


New member
On the journey to multiplayer...

Trying to take the steps necessary so that I am ready to join a multiplayer session. I purchased a gaming headset with mic. I downloaded TeamSpeak and am now trying to set it up properly. I opened TS and connected, to what exactly...I'm not sure. The USB headphones seem to be working because I hear an automated voice telling me that a user has either joined or left.

It's sort of confusing to me because I have never used this app before or played Trainz multiplayer. I can't find the setting where I turn on "push to speak".

Does TS automatically detect TANE or is there something I need to do in order for it to connect properly? Basically, how do I set it up?

I have downloaded and installed both:
UMR 2016 - TANE

...and any session I could find for them. There were a few missing dependencies but I checked out the routes and everything seems to be in order. The missing things were probably just an animal or blade of grass. As I understand, these are the routes that most here use for multiplayer. Is there anything else I need? What does UMR mean?

I haven't noticed any MP sessions under either of these two. Is there specific times when others are having a session that I can join? How many people can be in a session at a given time? Does the host choose the style of train control or does each user get to choose?

I'm sorry about all the questions but thanks.
I do not think there are any Mp sessions for those 2 routes. Try <kuid2:394799:100108:3> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Route Trainz V3 and
<kuid2:394799:100109:4> UMR 2014 Summer Multiplayer Short Session Trainz V3
ok i will try them and see what is what...i know you use to have a teamspeak address for your MP sessions is that still the case?
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I am on 82340 beta sp1 hf3 beta non steam edition I have not seen a single multiplayer game in months so wondering if I am simply in no mans land here
I currently have Steam edition build 81318 and have yet to get one or two of the hotfixes, not sure if every single aspect has to match others. I also still having some issues with my headphones/mic. They work great for music or youtube but the game sounds still come through the regular speakers. Also still working on figuring out how to use TeamSpeak. I'll get there eventually...:)
i have now downgraded to the 81318 build on steam edition and now have the UMR summer 2014 Short route V3.. it is a very well constructed route and if you are able to get this route and the session for it then i invite you to come join me and play together
:) you may need a first class ticket to allow for the download to complete fairly quickly as well