Setting up level crossings (Timing them)


New member
I was wondering if its possible for the single track AHB crossing to be activated by a train by time.

What I mean is the train sits at a platform for around 30 seconds after that, the crossing is activated and barriers lower. White light is shown meaning crossing is working.

Is this possible?

This is for my Henley project for Shiplake AHB (Locally Monitored).

I believe that boat has driver commands "ATLS 2 TRIG SYSTEM" and "ATLS 4 TRIG SYSTEM" on the DLS that can be used for this situation. Search for Author "boat" on the DLS.


Those commands only work with ATLS assets. The commands have to work in conjunction with the ATLS triggers and there are various ways to do this. If all trains stop at station, leave out the first trigger and use the driver command when ready to leave, also use a wait for 20 second command to allow the gates to operate before the train leaves the station. The second way is to have stopping trains set to priority 3 and all non stopping trains to priority 1 or 2. Set the first trigger to not accept priority 3 trains and use the driver command as before.
Shiplake AHB (Locally Monitored) has a northbound Stop board requiring ALL trains to stop. Southbound trains CAN go through non stop or stop at the station. Southbound speed limit over crossing is 20MPH.
You can use Boat's ATLS Xing AHB S which is already made, all you do is make the settings in the properties window. You can also create your own set up with other ATLS assets by Boat. You can also use Adrian19's AOCL Monitor Light. Set up the ATLS with 4 trigger operation with the first trigger heading north set up to ignore priority 3 trains on 4 trigger setting, place the other 3 on 4 trigger setting only. In your driver command set up you need to use the set priority command to 3 at some point before the first trigger heading north, maybe after a TM. Before train moves use the priority command to return to correct priority number. After train stops use the ATLS 4 trigger driver command and a 15 or 20 second wait to activate the crossing.

The track should run north as follows.

ATLS trigger, 4 trigger setting, priority 1 & 2 only, placed at start of station
ATLS trigger, 4 trigger setting, all priorities and reduce the radius to 0.5, place on the edge of the crossing
ATLS trigger, 4 trigger setting, all priorities, place on the edge of the crossing
ATLS trigger, 4 trigger setting, all priorities, placed some distance further up the line
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