along the same lines only different, as the 30 in gauge tank car question, does anyone know of any self propelled narrow gauge passinger equipment?
i've got the diamond and caldor 10 in 3ft gauge and the srrl #5 railbus in 24.
d&c#10 works just fine, even though driver bitches at me when i load layouts i've put it on. (something i'm completely mystified as to why, but anyway inspite of this it loads and runs just fine)
the srrl #5, seems to be missing an engine that would actually make it go. it thinks its just a passinger car. interior and everything is just fine, even drivers camera viewpoint and i can drive it from there just fine, (even the motor SOUND), but only with some other source of motive power to push it. (i've been running them paired back to back with marry anne spliced in between for motive power and they go like a bat that way)
so anyway, i'm wondering if there's any more/other narrow gauge self propelled stock i can download as cdp's and install?
(i'm running trs2006, and so far my isp hasn't let my remain connected long enough to download the sp1 for trs2006. but individual downloads via xp's built in ftp work just fine)
i've got the diamond and caldor 10 in 3ft gauge and the srrl #5 railbus in 24.
d&c#10 works just fine, even though driver bitches at me when i load layouts i've put it on. (something i'm completely mystified as to why, but anyway inspite of this it loads and runs just fine)
the srrl #5, seems to be missing an engine that would actually make it go. it thinks its just a passinger car. interior and everything is just fine, even drivers camera viewpoint and i can drive it from there just fine, (even the motor SOUND), but only with some other source of motive power to push it. (i've been running them paired back to back with marry anne spliced in between for motive power and they go like a bat that way)
so anyway, i'm wondering if there's any more/other narrow gauge self propelled stock i can download as cdp's and install?
(i'm running trs2006, and so far my isp hasn't let my remain connected long enough to download the sp1 for trs2006. but individual downloads via xp's built in ftp work just fine)
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