Saving weather changes


New member

We're having a problem with the weather!

In our route in TRS2006, when we are in Surveyor and make changes to any aspect of the weather (day/night, rain/snow etc.) we can't save the changes so when we go into Driver we're back to the previous weather set up. The only thing that does save is changes to clouds.

We've looked through the manual, but can't find anything to point us in the right direction...could someone help please.


Ben & Nige
There should be a rule in surveyor called starup options. You can use this to chage the weather.

A neat rule I use is called Set Driver Conditions Rule. It can be found on the DLS, and allows you to set mutiple aspects of the driver session, including time, wether you work in cab mode or DCC, and the weather and it's rate of change.

Hope This Helps (HTH),
In TRS06 go to surveyor for your route (session) and you can change the start time, rate of time and weather and its changability with the edit button (the middle one of 3 at top left of screen) This give you the options to edit drivers, edit start conditions etc. and add new rules as you wish. If you want to control the weather and time I have a rule on the DLS called weather changer, that you can add to the rule list.

Have fun,
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