S&C Stanier 5MT issues in TANE SP3 (missing dependancies)


New member
Hi All.

Long time lurker but now i've returned to Trainz after a few years and a new laptop. I have purchase TANE (upgraded to SP3) and purchased S&C DLC too, all running fine aside from the Stanier 5MT additional loco from Rail-sim.co.uk.

It appears the 5MT main bogie is missing dependancies and having downloaded it several times and ran the TANE S&C patch from rail-sim.co.uk the loco still isn't working.

Has anyone had a similar issue and how can i fix is? It appears the issue is with the following KUID: <kuid:44090:57078>

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


The SnC extras were included in the TANE digital download, which now overrides the patch you installed and included all the fixes. Suggest you right click on the the 5MT and everything from Settle and Carlisle marked as modified and revert to original so you are using the digital DLC version and not the now out of date stuff.

<kuid:44090:57078> is not used in TANE SP3 or for that matter TS12 and TRS19, the 5MT's are fine here in TANE and TRS19 (which had another digital update).
To be honest I'm actually glad that someone brought this up. I tried the Revert to Original fix you recommended to me when I asked this Malc, but it didn't do anything. There are missing dependencies on the 5MT Main Bogies and this upsets the main asset itself. It might be a personal issue but I'm not sure.

Personally, I have a Black 5 from GP Locomotives so I don't mind as much. Plus EverTrainz has one on his project list so its okay if I dont have it (I'm a Southern man anyways.). I just wanted to chime in and let you know.
