virtual GNER driver
rugby union players? can anyone make rugby players? im thinking maybe the following list of objects (people) in a number of colours or designs? iv got a few route with rugby pitches in them (wanna guess what i liek to watch?) and well they are empty. and iv seen a few screenshots with rugby pitches but again no players. so was thinking we could make a few rugby teams maybe have ARUAN on the chest?
1) scrum (one object of 8 playes in the scrum position, add the other scrum position in a idffernt colour and wo-la a scrum)
2) someone tackling (so bent over arms in an open position)
3) someone being tackled (so someone mid-falling?)
4) someone laying on the ground (no ball)
5) someone laying on the ground (ball) so scoring
6) someone about to kick a penelty (so the famous johny position, hands together in front looking at the goal posts)
7) someone kicking (so the point where the foot hits the ball)
8) someone drop kicking
9) someone just standing
10) someone running (holding a ball)
11) someone running (no ball)
12) players in a line out (maybe have them lifting one player in the air?)
13) the ball (just a simple rugby ball that is able to be placed any where, ie on a player in the air on the ground. also if the ball could be rotated able so you can have it standing up (ie penelty kick) or on its side (under a placers arm) or at a ramdon angle (spinning in md air)
if anyone has any other ideas on position quote the list and add to it, then who ever takes up the job will have a large list to choose from (unless they want to make the whole list). im not an object maker but im guessing the time taking bit will be making the players, then all you need to do is paint them different colours
1) scrum (one object of 8 playes in the scrum position, add the other scrum position in a idffernt colour and wo-la a scrum)
2) someone tackling (so bent over arms in an open position)
3) someone being tackled (so someone mid-falling?)
4) someone laying on the ground (no ball)
5) someone laying on the ground (ball) so scoring
6) someone about to kick a penelty (so the famous johny position, hands together in front looking at the goal posts)
7) someone kicking (so the point where the foot hits the ball)
8) someone drop kicking
9) someone just standing
10) someone running (holding a ball)
11) someone running (no ball)
12) players in a line out (maybe have them lifting one player in the air?)
13) the ball (just a simple rugby ball that is able to be placed any where, ie on a player in the air on the ground. also if the ball could be rotated able so you can have it standing up (ie penelty kick) or on its side (under a placers arm) or at a ramdon angle (spinning in md air)
if anyone has any other ideas on position quote the list and add to it, then who ever takes up the job will have a large list to choose from (unless they want to make the whole list). im not an object maker but im guessing the time taking bit will be making the players, then all you need to do is paint them different colours