Route merging question


New member
First, let me set the scene. route A is made up of 30 base plates with an average elevation of 215 as measured by the "get vertex height" tool. Route B is made up of 15 base plates with an average elevation of 10 as measured by the "get vertex height" tool. now for the challenge, merge route B into route A so the the elevation of route
B is 215. Can this be done without manually rebuilding route B as part of route A.

Thanks in Advance
d55baron - Bob
Yes and no.

Yes if you use TransDEM to raise up your 10 meter section to 215 meters or vice a versa. Doing this within Trainz, whatever version is not possible so sadly, no.

The alternative is to do a bunch of tween boards to bring up the lower route via a long winding connection with a line that traverses all kinds of terrain to get there.
