Route Config


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Iam new to building my own routes and I want to change the road traffic on my layout. I know you have to accesses the route config. But can someone please tell how to access this, I know this is kinda of a stupid question but please help me.
Not a stupid question at all. Traffic is configured in the Region file, (US, UK, etc.) Clone one and change the cars to ones you'd like. Check out Region OldTimer [1930s], kuid:203201:16. Study the config file.
Thanks but can you tell me where to locate the region files I cant seem to find them. Is it in the Trainz Classic folder.
They're built-in, use CMP and do a search for Kuid:-1:7804, that's the United States Region, kuid:-1:7803 is United Kingdom, kuid:-1:7801 is Australia. Clone the region with the properties you want, cars on left, cars on right, then edit the car part of the config file changing to the cars you want. Change the name to something like MyRegion and note the kuid. Open your route config and change the region tag to the kuid of your region.