I have been working a largely expanded "Industrial Wasteland Route" foe years. I am at the point where landscaping and tweaking are all that is left to do. I run 92 AI trains to service about 45-55 industries. Suddenly this past week things began to unravel. Opening my route and session to drive the session I noticed in the message window 8 events of the worthless message "no path to destination" What? What train? what destination? Anyway I exited driver to scan the tracks for faults. I found many broken splines, mostly at junctions and bridges. Any consists sitting over these splines had lost there cars as well. I spent an 8 hour day in fix it mode. I saved and went to bed. The next morning I opened the session for edit and now I have more broken splines and whole consists missing. Another repair day and I noticed that many of my consists which were all originally in the session layer were now on the hidden layer with route layer as the bound layer or in other layer combinations. I spend much of the day putting them back in the session layer then go on to find my broken spline. Today I opened up the route and session only to find industries, textures and consists missing.
Am I going NUTS or is this really happening? Anyone, Is there anyone out there who knows why my layout is self destructing?
Am I going NUTS or is this really happening? Anyone, Is there anyone out there who knows why my layout is self destructing?