

Get over it
I've been here a very long time and this is the first this has happened to me. I've been running a session for a while and the train stopped. Determined that I was missing a junction, so I saved the session and went to edit the session and when I tried to place the junction, I got this error message: " Cannot add object as the selected layer is above that of the targeted track. Trackside objects cannot be placed in a layer above the track they are being attached to". First, I don't mess with or use layers, so I didn't change anything on the route concerning layers. The route I'm running is the "Centrella" and there are numerous layers, and they are all unlocked. There are many junctions still visible, but a small section of the route is missing junctions. What are my options?
When it gives you that message it means the track is on a different layer to the one you are on. Select the track properties and see which layer it has been placed on. Then go to the layer tab and highlight the same layer. You can now place the asset.
Sample, track was placed on a session layer and you are in the route layer when you apply the lever = error.
track was placed on a session layer and you are also on the same layer = correct.
track was placed on the route layer, you can be in either layer and place the lever = correct.
The route layer is the top layer.
stagecoach, thank you for the quick reply. Your explanation helped me understand the problem. Some sections of track were on the RouteLayer1 Layer while the next section was on the session-layer. Fortunately, it was a small area so what I did was replace all the track on the RouteLayer1 and all is well. I can now finish my session. Thanks again.
Another possibility: you might have accomplished the same thing by merging Route Layer 1 with Route Layer.

The route layer and the Session layer are the two default layers. They can be renamed as you want but they remain the top layer in each section no matter what. If you add another layer below them and call them route and session they will not replace the renamed layers at the top. Layers can be moved up and down their sections or from one section to another. However, in all instances, Trainz will always see the top layers in each section as the route and session layers.
pware, there was no route-layer listed but there was a rRouteLayer1. I'm going to guess that the RouteLayer1 would be the route-layer. I have everything working so I'm just filing this away for future reference. Thanks to everyone for their input.
I'm going to guess that the RouteLayer1 would be the route-layer.
Sounds like a slip up in the naming of the layers. My golden rule is never to rename the layers named route-layer and session-layer and I make sure that both are always at the top of their respective groups.