revamping Sen City


New member
I recently downloaded the SEN CITY map and scenario.
I would like to redo the texturing and scenery and I wondered if there was a way to associate the scenario with my customised map.

obviously I wont touch the track or triggers.

perhaps by changing something in the scenarios config?

any thoughts.

If you have changed nothing to so with the track

you should be able to edit the config and change the line for the map and also in the kuid list probly at the bottom.

Done this myseld for maps I have customixed for my self.

For sessions the eeasy way is open the session you want to keep with the map you are going to modify then thay are ave together under the new name.

I recently downloaded the SEN CITY map and scenario.
I would like to redo the texturing and scenery and I wondered if there was a way to associate the scenario with my customised map.

obviously I wont touch the track or triggers.

perhaps by changing something in the scenarios config?

any thoughts.


Hi Roy,

Yes, you can do it. You need to save the map to "your name', then 'export scene data' and then copy the script to your new folder. Then you need to change two places in the script to your new name. You'll also need to modify the config with the extra bits that the sen city config has.

I'm on holiday at the moment so I don't have the bits with me for more info but I'll dig it out on my return.


Back in the UK now.

Brain too jet lagged tonight but I'll try to go through it at the weekend.

OK………… These instructions will get you going with the Sen City Scenario in your own map. I didn’t ask but I hope you have TRS 2004. This won’t work in TRS 2006.


1) Open the original Sen City 2006 map in Surveyor
2) Using the drop-down box ‘SaveAs’ “YourSenCity” (or whatever).
3) Using the drop-down box ‘Export Scene Data’ (as default).
4) Now go into your Scenarios folder. (Usually C:\Program Files\Auran\TRS2004\World\Custom\scenarios). You should now have a new folder called “YourSenCity”. Open this and you should see 4 files. A config, two tso files and a gs file. Leave the tso files alone. You need to alter both the config file and the gs file.
5) First, open the config file and leave this to one side. Now navigate to, and open the config file of the original Sen City 2006, (just the basic ‘config’ one). Now carefully copy everything from and including the line that starts, ‘metrocara’, right down to and including the closing brace, ‘}‘ symbol above ‘thumbnails’.
6) Go back to the “YourSenCity” config and carefully highlight the closing brace, ‘}’ under the “YourSenCity” kuid line and over-paste the bits you just copied. This has to be done just right or it won’t work when you run it.
7) That’s the config done. Save and close both. Now to modify the gs file. Probably the easiest way is to first copy the file in the SenCity 2006 folder and paste it into the ‘YourSenCity’ folder.
8) Now, using any text editor program, open both gs files. In the ‘YourSenCity’ gs file, find the line that says ‘game class MyYourSenCity isclass Scenario’ and copy it. Overpaste that line onto the similar line in the copied file.
9) Now, back in the ‘YourSenCity’ gs file, find the line that says ‘if(!World.LoadMap(World.FindKUID("yoursencity")))’ Again, overpaste that line onto the similar line in the copied file. (You may have to do a search for it as it’s a long way down in the SenCity2006 file.)
10) Now delete or move the file and rename the copied and altered file to ‘’.
11) It might now work!!!

If you are running TRS 2006 then you can’t do this as it does not have an ‘Export Scene Data’ function. I suppose the only way you could do it in this case would be to manually copy and past the map, directly to the folder each time? Never actually tried that.

As you say, don’t move any triggers, track, points, signals, speed limits etc or the scenario will get upset. You should be able to delete and replace so long as you replace exactly what was there. Do what you want with the buildings
Good luck,

Thanks a lot for that .
I'll have a go when life stops getting in the way:hehe:

btw I am running 04.
