Renaming Consists (Probably a stupid question)

Is there a way to rename consists so that they appear in Surveyor/Driver with my given name and not consist XXX.

Just to clarify I am NOT talking about the consist menu where my saved consists are.

For instance if I zoom out to minimap (or click CTRL + F) consists will come up with 'Consist 50' or some other random number. Is there any way I can rename that so I know exactly what it is?

For instance if I zoom out to minimap (or click CTRL + F) consists will come up with 'Consist 50' or some other random number. Is there any way I can rename that so I know exactly what it is?

Interestingly I recently posted the exact same q with the exact same response that stagecoach mentioned. I was interested in giving consists an identifier such as [1A02] as an example. This then, for me, identified the consist type and route. Class one train Express/Non-Stop passenger from A to B. Pity it cannot be done. The only way round this is to rename a driver to 1A02 which is what I am doing. The consist will show up in the minimap with that name.
Saving a consist with a new name is simple. Put together your wagons; whatever mix you want. Once you have created your consist, flick across to the "Trains add Consist" tab and then click on the add consist tab (the spanner) and click on your consist. You will then see a pop-up box asking you to create a new asset. Give your consist an appropriate name and add a description, then save. You have now created a new consist. If you wish to share a route that uses that consist you will need to upload the consist to the DLS. The following screenshot should help. Note the red Kuid # in the bottom right corner. That tells me that this is a unique Kuid and can only be shared if I upload it. I hope this helps.

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You dont need to upload the consist to the DLS so a route can run. A consist is only made up of separate pieces of rolling stock which will dowload with the route.
You dont need to upload the consist to the DLS so a route can run. A consist is only made up of separate pieces of rolling stock which will dowload with the route.
Sorry Stagecoach, you are wrong. Once you name a consist as per the process above, you have in essence created a new asset. The Route will run fine for the content creator, but the asset will not be available to other users unless it can be downloaded from from the DLS. This will result in a faulty route with a missing dependency which will listed <unknown asset> with a Kuid number and the author's name in the Route's dependencies. This is one of the reasons that many routes on the DLS have missing assets.

On the other hand, you can re-name any individual asset, e.g. loco, building etc; which is a good way to quickly identify individual alike assets when creating sessions etc. I use that process all the time. So, if you renamed every wagon, etc in a consist, you will be able to download the individual components of the consist, which may be fine.

I hope this helps.

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If you are placing a consist, which is defined as an asset, in a session, only the individual train vehicles of the consist become dependencies of the session. The consist itself is not listed as a dependency of the session.

If you are placing a consist, which is defined as an asset, in a session, only the individual train vehicles of the consist become dependencies of the session. The consist itself is not listed as a dependency of the session.

Hello Peter, follow the process I outlined above and let me know how you get on.
I have imported a route from another version of TRS19 to a new unedited version. The route and all its dependencies downloaded. The consists are all in place and work. The only thing that will be missing is the consist in the consist list which can be added if the user wants. The consist list does not effect the running of a route, it is for ease of use to the builder of the route.