I'm seeing the following errors on JR rolling stock when emitting from a portal in TANE. Tried reinstalling the latest FX files and the general fixes for TANE but no change. Any ideas or suggestions to fix is greatly appreciated!!
JRTraincar : Asset.LookupKUIDTable> unable to find 'red' in kuid-table (file asset.gs)
<kuid:506034:345751> "BN 60Ft.9In. Woodchip Car"
Stack dump:
function $Asset@Asset::FindAsset(string), line -1
function $void@FX_Traincar::carMon(), line 448
FX_Caboose : GameObject::Sniff> Target object is null) (file gs.gs)
<kuid:175455:100196> "SP C50-9 Police Caboose"
Stack dump:
function $void@GameObject::Sniff(GameObject,string,string,bool), line -1
function $void@FX_Caboose::Init(), line 216
function $void@MeshObject::Init(Asset), line 316
JRTraincar : Asset.LookupKUIDTable> unable to find 'red' in kuid-table (file asset.gs)
<kuid:506034:345751> "BN 60Ft.9In. Woodchip Car"
Stack dump:
function $Asset@Asset::FindAsset(string), line -1
function $void@FX_Traincar::carMon(), line 448
FX_Caboose : GameObject::Sniff> Target object is null) (file gs.gs)
<kuid:175455:100196> "SP C50-9 Police Caboose"
Stack dump:
function $void@GameObject::Sniff(GameObject,string,string,bool), line -1
function $void@FX_Caboose::Init(), line 216
function $void@MeshObject::Init(Asset), line 316