Rear Markers for tenders and cabeese

RGS cabeese 0400, 0401, 0402, and 0404 are ready for download on my TRS downloads page. They are down at the bottom of the page. Enjoy :)

Whats all this mean? They aren't showing up in game for some reason:':)':)'(

This is why I hate TRS06....
If you want to, then open the config.txt files and delete the remsmoke line and all lines below it. I'll upload fixes tonight if I can.

This is why I hate TRS06....
If you want to, then open the config.txt files and delete the remsmoke line and all lines below it. I'll upload fixes tonight if I can.


If ya think TRS06 is a problem, wait till there are a few narrow gaugers involved through TC, talk about a touchy piece of software!!!!!!!:(:(:(
They still aren't showing up in Railyard, if not in railyard, they won't show up in surveyor either, there are no errors showing, however, it still allows me to view the dependencies, its just showing that there are two unknown dependencies, usually this doesn't effect whether it will show up or not, but this time that is the only thing I can see that is effecting it....:confused::confused::confused:
I downloaded them yesterday morning and they worked fine for me. I have TRS2006...I opened them up in CCP and it gave an error about the remsmoke line but it still worked. They look great!
Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling them? And/or did you make sure to "commit" the new ones?

They still aren't showing up in Railyard, if not in railyard, they won't show up in surveyor either, there are no errors showing, however, it still allows me to view the dependencies, its just showing that there are two unknown dependencies, usually this doesn't effect whether it will show up or not, but this time that is the only thing I can see that is effecting it....:confused::confused::confused:
In CMP, one of the things I've learned over time is that whether or not there are errors often isn't what causes an item to not show up in game, usually its within the dependencies, if it were errors not allowing an object to show in game, it would usually say so, just because a tag isn't allowed doesn't keep the object necessarily from showing, however, when CMP doesn't recognize kuid's, often the item won't show in game, and this is what is happening now, so I doubt seriously that the Remsmoke was the problem, but rather there is a problem in the kuid's...








In the last pic, I'm missing one...I have all of the same assets, except it looks like you're missing the RGS Short Caboose Interior. Would that do it? I'm still missing one but it works fine...interesting.
That very well could be, one little quirk of TRS06 is that if it has a question mark, chances are your missing that asset or kuid, sometimes that not the case, even though it says there are 0 missing dependencies, somethings missing for sure.........:(:(:(
Hmm...silly question, but did you grab the general parts pack from just above the cabeese? Maybe the other files are in some of his other cabeese? I grabbed the general parts, DL'd the cabeese, and I am only missing kuid2:43955:50004:1.
Hmm...silly question, but did you grab the general parts pack from just above the cabeese? Maybe the other files are in some of his other cabeese? I grabbed the general parts, DL'd the cabeese, and I am only missing kuid2:43955:50004:1.

Silly question? I think not, I didn't even notice it, now I really feel bad putting Prowler through hell!!!!!!:confused::confused::confused:


I sincerely hope that Todd will accept my apology!!!:(
Cool! Don't worry about it buddy. :) I should have thought of that myself. Good call Ferrous.

And, I've just double checked the general parts package and it has all the necessary parts. So, if your getting missing asset errors still, then I don't know why. :confused:
