Rear Markers for tenders and cabeese


The Silver San Juan
Well, I've finally had success in this endeavor. Using Elvenor's script, I've managed to get interactive rear marker lamps on a caboose. They'll even swap ends if you move the caboose to the other end of the train. The other goal I'd hoped to achieve for a few months now was rear marker lamps for my tenders. Well, I successfully combined Elvenor's script with the script that Wulf wrote for my tender hatches. And it all works! :)

Caboose markers:

Tender markers:

Loco hooked up and markers transfer to caboose:

Also, I've added operating water level gages to my watertanks:

All for now. :)

Nice job, Todd!! I'm looking forward to seeing your new items!
I thought about modifying that script to add random brakemen on the tops of cars, but only when they were in a train. Unfortunately, my attempts at human modeling end up looking like something out of Dr. Moreau's laboratories...

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Thanks everyone :)

I'll be posting the watertowers and cabeese on my website soon. Within a week I hope. The locos will take a bit longer because of the repackaging that will be required.

For those in the Colorado area... If you want to see Caboose 0400, then head to the Georgetown Loop. She's up there.

Spiffy, yes the watertanks do refill. They have a total of 50000gal. in them (~189270L) which should be enough for most operations. And they do refill at the rate of 10L/min. That can be changed easily in the config file.

Ed, what script are you referring to? What post is it in?

Ah, yes I'm remiss in getting these out. Sorry about that, I seem to have forgotten to get on these. I shall make an effort to get these out along with the K-36's. Thanks for the reminder :)

Oh goody goody goody, I've been waiting with baited breath over these shorty cabeese.

And now I have to replace all my water tanks too?:confused::confused::confused::confused:
Very good, Todd!!! Can't wait to see these out. It has been well worth the wait though! I actually wasn't aware that you had gauges on the new watertanks. Impressive!
Ah, yes I'm remiss in getting these out. Sorry about that, I seem to have forgotten to get on these. I shall make an effort to get these out along with the K-36's. Thanks for the reminder :)


Can't wait Todd. I could use some short cabeese with my new layout. Also, some cool watertanks!