Raven Pass Railroad

:) Great, I should add, I had this route that was along the lines of Point to Point type, so I started thinking about make some trail back sub mains to run a different direction thru the backside or top of the mountains, so one week, I added the part you see in the pictures, and decided I wanted an Oil Field, with some other Industries. I drew a mainline track through to the back 40. Then I took and laid out several Oil Storage Cans, and other Refinery Stuff, once I accomplished that, I started laying the spurs, runarounds etc.....It took about 2 weeks or so, as I would look at it, I'd figure I needed to change something around, :hehe: I wasted lots of Diesel Fuel with SD40's checking the grade, the curvature of tracks.... excreta.... too get it the way I wanted, (good thing I don't own a railroad) and that made sense when I would do switching moves........:hehe: I found out that some of Bldgs. overhangs where to short and I was shearing off the roofs while testing out Shunter Runs to new Industries I had positioned.......So I had to be creative and find ways to Raise the building for Power Clearance, or face not running that particular Power Unit (Loco).

;) I'm not be any means trying to be prototypical in the way I design my route, I just want to enjoy it and have enough variety so I don't get bored.....
EMD Demo Pics (Medium Size Pics) +Chatter

:) Good Day all,

:p Been playing around with a Log Mill on HarborMaster route, truth be told, I found out the Product Queues were blank, at least on the three in this area, so I'm having some problems getting the loads set correctly for the cars I'm using......So I need to do some readup on Product Queue's spec's and how they work. Probably about time I learn about this one.....LOL


:o The above link is some of what I'm reading up to get a grip on how to configure the different industry's.........

:hehe: So I switched legs for minute and went to Jointed Rail, to check on some missing assets, and happened to see :mop: EMD Demonstrators Freeware, I had seen them roll thru California long time ago, and took a fancy to Blue n White Paint Scheme, downloaded them real quick and here's a picture below from the yard........Hope it looks ok.......

Also I saw the Safety Train for sale, and looks like it's available on 6-2-16.....Think that would be another nice addition on the HarborMaster Route.


:hehe: Night Shot, but didn't come out very dark?

Crew is at rest for now......They'll report for later tonight with freight moves from the Pier........

Headlight test late in the afternoon....:confused: Oh and I need to find a suitable Caboose to go with them, I don't know if I have any in that Livery?
Haven't learned reskinning assets yet......

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Raven Pass Update

Refinery Track start. Here are some pictures

:cool:Looks good, your curves on Main have good flow, you wouldn't believe how many unrealistic curves I've seen on some routes......:)
Changing it up

:D Sounds good, and really, you'll find out, that that you might move things several times, because as you look at your route each day, something catches the eye, or you get an epiphany, or after driving the new area, something doesn't look or feel right. :'( One day, after 3 weeks of work, I tore out 2 Tile Squares and started over, because the route was hamstrung with the way I had laid opposing tracks and multiple Switch arrangements and to top it off, :confused: I didn't like the Scenery Colors (guess you could say I had a bad hair day)........;) But therein lies the fun of this Simulator. :cool: Always room for improvement.
Thanks for the info.I am always changing things up at RPR. I still have the original loop set up. It abandon though but it still there.
Raven Pass update: The main thing to be hauled on raven pass is piggyback cars or whatever. here are some new pictures of it



This next one is my favorite shot

Don't know if anything will help but what about some city center or town center?
For passenger trains or something like that? ^^
Im planning to create a small town with the tracks going through a downtown area. Im also thinking about a port.
On another subject, does anyone know how to use the ATLS gates?