Railroad Jeopardy 2.0

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Welcome to Railroad Jeopardy 2.0 and here is how it will work. The object of the game is to have fun and enjoy. The assistants in game protection are Drrt4 and SantaFeBuff. The categories are:
  1. Railroads
  2. Locomotives
  3. Locations
  4. Passenger trains
  5. Freight trains
Once, you answer a question correctly you will have two days to post a question. If you go out of turn, then you lose a turn at guessing. So, I will post the first question. This comes from the category: Passenger trains. Which passenger train was the trademark of the Canadian National Railway. Good luck. :)
Yes sir, the Super Continental was the premiere passenger train of the Canadian National. You now have two days to pick a category and a question from that category.
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