guess the LOCO game...


...from the creator of "guess the TRAINZ loco game" comes "guess the LOCO game". well its basically the same as my other guessing game, just with real locos insted of TRAINZ locos.

This was an idea that struck me, Why not have a game that pepole take screen shots of their favorite loco or any loco for that matter, Now the rules are:

1 The current loco that people are guessing you need to guess before a new one is posted.

2 Whoever guessed right gets to post a new loco, You can also pass your turn if you don't have the time or don't have a pic at the time.

3 If the person that guessed right did not post a new loco within 2 days
The turn is passed to whoever calls "Dibz".

If the guess has lasted longer than 4 days without a guess the Guess goes to "Dibz"

5 And the final: Keep it fair, Like no undersides of the loco, No insides of the loco (also no cab) and nothing in the way, And only 1 loco in the pic.

Now what you can do: You can get up close, It can be far but not too far, You can have top down view,

"Dibz" Rules: (Read Rule 3 or 4) You can call "Dibz" By posting after a post smiler to this:
...Lets pass the turn to whoever calls Dibz!...
<<<End Rules>>>

I wish i could start but i don't have any pics, :eek::eek: I pass my turn to whoever posts first.


EDIT:i also got some of the idea from my other forum MM2X.
EDIT#2: fixed spelling errors.
EDIT#3: rearranged the rules to be easier to read hopefully.
EDIT#4: Added "Dibz" Rules.
EDIT#5: Added 4 days without guess rule.

Have a ball! DR :wave:

That was from my TRAINZ guessing game, now the same rules apply just use ONLY REAL LOCOS! and i really don't have any pics accept the easy ones...ah screw it ill post the first one:

lets see how this one goes. good luck! (its TO easy!:hehe:)
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i know, i just realized that too. im going to have to pass.

Does everyone have to do that to me? Everytime I know it someone answers but they pass their turn. Ah well.

As my guess for this new one? Im going to guess its a 4-6-0. I cant tell anything besides that.
i think its a 4-6-2, maybe a NYC Hudson?

side track: i just woak up, im not the best guesser right now.
I hate to tell you this but there are no surviving Hudson's from the New York Central, maybe a tender, but not an engine.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! my favort loco (other than the big boy) is not alive and preserved!!:':)'( well that suks....well a better guess is: CLASS S3/6 4-6-2?
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It's a 4-6-0 or 4-6-2, I know that much. Small possibility of it being a hudson but it'd be pretty weird with those early details.
excuse me Sampug394, it was not your turn, unless you got a turn pass? other wise please edit your post and wait like the rest of us, thanks.
please tell me if im missing something?
*face Palm* How come these threads turn into peole getting it right and never posting again, or people going out of turn....