Hello all,
Did some perusing of the forum but couldn't find what I was looking for. At least not for any recent build.
I'm interested in diving into TANE SP1 MP a little bit, but I would like to use a session that I have modified from the base route (Kickstarter Country). My changes were minor, they include things like setting up the queue and process for Jackson Refinery, etc. I added NO assets, though I did download the working version of Coal Mine Basic which I feel most people have done at this point. The queues/processes use base Coal, Diesel Fuel, etc. My question is, do I have still have to put this on the DLS considering I've added no assets whatsoever? If yes, the download for potential players should be VERY small, no? Just a config file of some sort, unless they need the updated Coal Mine Basic??
My thinking is that by starting an MP session with assets that everybody already has I will get more players. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
Did some perusing of the forum but couldn't find what I was looking for. At least not for any recent build.
I'm interested in diving into TANE SP1 MP a little bit, but I would like to use a session that I have modified from the base route (Kickstarter Country). My changes were minor, they include things like setting up the queue and process for Jackson Refinery, etc. I added NO assets, though I did download the working version of Coal Mine Basic which I feel most people have done at this point. The queues/processes use base Coal, Diesel Fuel, etc. My question is, do I have still have to put this on the DLS considering I've added no assets whatsoever? If yes, the download for potential players should be VERY small, no? Just a config file of some sort, unless they need the updated Coal Mine Basic??
My thinking is that by starting an MP session with assets that everybody already has I will get more players. Thanks in advance for your assistance.