I have searched all the recent forum topics but unable to find help on this subject. When in Driver in any route in T:ANE some of the options in Quick Drive do not work as they should (or should I say as they did in TS2012. 'DRIVE TO' gives no response and 'NAVIGATE TO' will only run the consist to the first command then no further. The little red bug pops up and the error message is as follows:
"DriverCommandRule:File drivercommandrule.gs,Line 426, ER_Timeout
Unknown:File asset.gs, line 44, ER_Timeout
PBLIB: File pblibmainapi.gs, Line 99, ER_Timeout
PBLIB: File pbliblockapi.gs, Line 99, ER_Timeout
Unknown:File common.gs, Line 369, ER_Timeout
The above is repeated except the line number in the last line is '546' not '369'.
The same happens if using 'Quick Drive Rule V2'
Any help for, or knowledge on, this problem will be appreciated.
"DriverCommandRule:File drivercommandrule.gs,Line 426, ER_Timeout
Unknown:File asset.gs, line 44, ER_Timeout
PBLIB: File pblibmainapi.gs, Line 99, ER_Timeout
PBLIB: File pbliblockapi.gs, Line 99, ER_Timeout
Unknown:File common.gs, Line 369, ER_Timeout
The above is repeated except the line number in the last line is '546' not '369'.
The same happens if using 'Quick Drive Rule V2'
Any help for, or knowledge on, this problem will be appreciated.