Questions before purchasing Trainz2019


New member
I've been looking for a train simulator for a while now, one that's affordable and not $50 - $100 and I landed on Trainz simulator 2019 as because its on sale right now on steam and a couple questions I want to know before purchasing it.

Can I download custom routes/trains?
Do I need to purchase the DLCs to get more trains/routes?
How many free steam locomotive are there and what models are they?

Welcome, Cookiemuncher45 (interesting title that), to the world of Trainz.

Can I download custom routes/trains?
Yes. There are free routes, sessions (that would take a while to explain), locomotives, wagons, scenery of all types, that are available on the DLS (DownLoad Station) which you can access from the Content Manager program as soon as you have installed TRS19 (or later). I just did a quick check and as of a moment ago there were 705,250 items you can access and 40,672 of those were rolling stock.

There are also Payware routes, sessions, rolling stock that are available through the Content Store (or DLC for DownLoad Content) which you can access as soon as you have installed TRS19.
Do I need to purchase the DLCs to get more trains/routes?
No, if you are happy with the free offerings then you do not need to buy anything more. Some of the DLC routes and sessions come free as part of the TRS19 install.

How many free steam locomotive are there and what models are they?
30,757 locomotives covering a huge range of countries including UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Japan, most (if not all) of Europe, South Africa and probably a few other places (even Mars I believe). Steam, Diesel, Electric, horse drawn, hand pumped, etc. I am not sure what traction power the Mars locos use. You name it and someone has probably created it.

The best part is there is an entire community of Trainz enthusiasts that can offer advice, solutions, suggestions right here in these forums. There is an extensive Wiki devoted to Trainz and a Discord Server (which I don't use so I cannot point you to it).

You might want to take a look at the basics of using Trainz at the Wiki Page Route and Session Basics or browse the whole Wiki for a variety of topics at HowTo
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I would be careful what you purchase. Looking at their site they may be scaled-back versions.
The site would hint that it is not a full version because they are selling DLC that comes free with the full version.
I have exactly the same version and it is similar to the version in the Trainz Store.
And recently all this has been described in detail:

In short, there is only one difference, if you bought Trainz game in Steam, you can buy DLC in Steam and Trainz Store. If you bought Trainz game in Trainz Store, you can buy DLC in Trainz Store only.
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Currently the N3V store has ts19 at $20 (us converted to your local currency) and the “platinum” version at $50.
The latter includes a number of extras like routes, content etc.
That’s a one off payment and a licence for use on one PC at a time.

You should also budget for a FCT (First Class Ticket) as this gives access to the content on the Down load station (DLS) about $35 for 365 days.

There’s a lot of different content created by some users and it covers different eras and countries.

You’ll need a reasonably powerful pc to get the best experience, I’m using an i5 cpu (overclocked) and an Rtx 2060 + SSD for the program and data.

As colprice2002 mentioned, a FCT is advisable because the access you will have to the DLS without one is abysmally slow (10-15kb/s). Having a FCT lets you download virtually at the speed of your Internet connection. For example, I'm on fiber optic and I download at around 10-13mB/sec.

Welcome to the world of Trainz.

Other considerations, @cookiemuncher45: Trainz is a power hungry sim so your computer's processing power and a few other components power might need aDdressing, hard-drive rotational speeds (in rpm's), >>> a dedicated Black series 7200 RPM'Sfrom Western Digital, or a current gen 2-4 gig SSD. GPU (Nvidia RTX series preferred)

There are already several threads on this forum discussing setups, that you can read through, to see/compare recommended setups with your own

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