Products on the "New" Trainz Store


New member
This may be a little out of place, but I am looking for a place to actually get an answer from. Back in late December, I had an urge to play Trainz 2009 WBE and noticed it was on Simulator Central (Now Trainz Store), I did not know that it was a limited time offer?? Anyway, I waited to buy it until a week ago because of a lot going on and couldn't find it anywhere... I have asked around and even submitted a "chat with us" request on the new Trainz Store site, which seems to not be monitored at all.

All in all I just would really like to buy some older versions of Trainz and I don't understand why you wouldn't keep them available online for purchase, even if the price were to go back up. I knew that Trainz 1.1 was free because of the 15th year so I downloaded that, and since that link is gone too I am glad I did when I did... but I didn't get my other games.

Right now I just want some answers haha like why I am not getting any through your *NEW* website, and you know then how and when and if I will ever be able to buy Trainz 2009 or any other older versions...I really would rather pay to support the game through you than go and search the web for someone else that will!
They probably don't want to sell the games that they no longer support and they don't want people complaining that their old game is not supported. I think they should put the older games up, but say in big red letters "This product no longer supported" or "This product is being sold as-is with no tech support or access to the download station" or something like that.

It's a shame they don't sell the older games anymore. I missed the 15th anniversary thing (aside from the free Trainz 1.1). I wish I has gotten the rest of the games to complete my collection, but oh well.

I think N3V should make a legacy Trainz shop. I bet it would be a huge hit.

It's a shame they don't sell the older games anymore. I missed the 15th anniversary thing (aside from the free Trainz 1.1). I wish I has gotten the rest of the games to complete my collection, but oh well.

I think N3V should make a legacy Trainz shop. I bet it would be a huge hit.


I'm the same boat.. It was the end of the semester for me and I had projects and exams to study for, I saw there was a celebration, but I also wasn't reading and following Trainz that closely. I also saw that they were selling the retro games on their store and thought it was a great idea, but I would wait until Christmas to buy them for myself. I wish it had said limited time offer on the actual store page when they had them posted, because I found the games by chance rather than through an email promotion or forum post. Heck this is the first time I have posted in 2 years. Needless to say, if there was a legacy store I would be buying the games.

EDIT: I did go and look for the article about the special and down near the bottom it did say they would only last for 15 days, granted I did not read that article and had only found them in the store by chance. I would really prefer the opportunity to purchase them again...but I am sure it was a 1 time thing, so im probably out of luck.
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I have asked around and even submitted a "chat with us" request on the new Trainz Store site, which seems to not be monitored at all.
its monitored, as I did chat with them about the TMR17 discount code issue and certain train editions I have not showing up. You basically have to be up pretty late to actually LIVE chat with them though, but other than that, it works.
its monitored, as I did chat with them about the TMR17 discount code issue and certain train editions I have not showing up. You basically have to be up pretty late to actually LIVE chat with them though, but other than that, it works.

I guess they just really don't want to talk to me, because I sent them and offline message and it said they would get back to me..before I said that it had said they would be online next at ## time. Now it always says they are offline and have never gotten a response. I mainly just want my Trainz 2009 :(
I guess they just really don't want to talk to me, because I sent them and offline message and it said they would get back to me..before I said that it had said they would be online next at ## time. Now it always says they are offline and have never gotten a response. I mainly just want my Trainz 2009 :(
I won't consider that the reason they don't want to talk to you; I don't go by the times they'll be online, just get them when they are online. TS2009 that was on the Trainz Store was basically a tour of all editions they released and was on sale for their promotion, not actually lifetime sale. You can still get TS2009 via Amazon or some other sites though.
They are located in Australia.
Figure out what time it is over there and what office hours are and you might get a reply on chat.

I also would not be surprised if that "buy legacy games" returns again. Might take another 4 years and 10 months though ;).
They are located in Australia.
Figure out what time it is over there and what office hours are and you might get a reply on chat.

I also would not be surprised if that "buy legacy games" returns again. Might take another 4 years and 10 months though ;).

They are not on daylight saving time so don't use AEDST as the time zone. They are GMT +10
We, further down south, are GMT+11
It does seem somewhat short sighted not to offer as digital downloads all the old versions of Trainz considering collectively they would only use minimal storage on N3V's servers and a dozen or so web pages which likely already exist and would need practically no maintenance once updated. Understandable companies want you to purchase the latest but many just prefer the past and probably considerably more cannot afford to keep up with the current let alone the future. However if N3V have no desire to optimize their profits have you considered other sources. My daughter purchased my first four versions of Trainz (2004, 2006, 2009 and 2010) after suffering me wittering on about having a '00' gauge layout as a child from Just Trainz. Each version was registered through the Auran website which gave full access to the DLS etc. When Just Trainz started offering Railworks products in preference to Trainz I started dealing directly with Auran and the rest is history other than Just Trainz do still offer the older versions of Trainz as digital downloads. Peter
It does seem somewhat short sighted not to offer as digital downloads all the old versions of Trainz considering collectively they would only use minimal storage on N3V's servers and a dozen or so web pages which likely already exist and would need practically no maintenance.

The older products are out of support. I seem to remember criticism being proffered when N3V were selling products that were due to go out of support soon, rather than actually being out of support. It's a PR minefield that's most easily avoided by just not selling out of support versions.
You can still run 04, 06, 09, 10, 12, if you can still find an unregistered disk on EBay, Amazon ... etc ...

Unsupport means:

1) You can not upload assets to the DLS, as your trainz-build is no longer accepted there for submission to the DLS
2) You may need to buy a FCT, and or buy an additional supported version of Trainz, in order to download assets from the DLS

If you download a TS12 loco it will not run in 09, unless you fix it by backdating the trainz-build numeral in the config file of the asset, and backdating the trainz-build numeral in the config file of all of the assets many dependencies

A TS12 route will not run in 10, 09, 06, 04
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