Problems With CMP


New member
I'm having problems trying to import all CDP items. It wont let me import them.

And I try to drag th CDP item from off my desktop into the BIG WHITE BOX. And it wont show up in that box.

When i click on th CDP file without opening the DLS. it says

Unable to register Trainz URL registry key. And i hav TRS2006 the full virsion. and then wen i click ok it says.

Trainz installation Not found. Please ensure that You ran Trains at least once.

And i try to IMPORT the file, but wen i go to get the file from where i saved it. It wont show up.

And i use it every day. What should i do to stop this.:'( :'( :'(
Not sure what you mean by "big white box"

Try this.

Open CMP.
File -> Import CDPs

Then point it to the cdp files.

I think the "big white box" is the download helper.
That wont help that why it wont appear and its the first thing that it open on the side bar.
And what Mike said should work.