I'm using Vincent's narrow gauge 2 ft fixed track junctions (the ones with sand ballast) and, although the right hand version performs properly, with the point blades following the direction of travel of the junction; for some reason the left hand junction has the blades set against the actual direction of the junction:
The assets are Junction left 2ft sand ballast, kuid2:458053:100351:3 and Junction right 2ft sand ballast, kuid2:458053:100346:3 and are identically wired with Rail 2 ft - invisible-, kuid2:458053:100364:2 and make use of controller, Invisible lever, kuid2:458053:100376:1.
Any ideas why the left hand version performs differently from the right hand version? I've looked in vain for an explanation about how these fixed track junctions are supposed to work, so it's quite possible I've gone wrong somewhere!

The assets are Junction left 2ft sand ballast, kuid2:458053:100351:3 and Junction right 2ft sand ballast, kuid2:458053:100346:3 and are identically wired with Rail 2 ft - invisible-, kuid2:458053:100364:2 and make use of controller, Invisible lever, kuid2:458053:100376:1.
Any ideas why the left hand version performs differently from the right hand version? I've looked in vain for an explanation about how these fixed track junctions are supposed to work, so it's quite possible I've gone wrong somewhere!