fixed track questions for S2.0


since 10 Aug 2002
I seldom have a use for fixed track assets but a need recently arose.
In S2.0, I placed a few pieces but couldn't get them to join. Switching back to Classic Surveyor and they all joined like they had little magnets at their ends. Is this an known issue with S2.0?
Then how do I separate the pieces in S2.0? Even in classic it is a two step process, Split Spline in the Track tab and then Move one of the FT pieces in the Objects tab.

While I found a whole series of straight and curved track pieces, the only junction pieces I found are for a monorail system. So how are regular track junctions made in a fixed track system?
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After a little digging, I found my old Content Creators Guide for TRS2004. In the section KIND: FIXEDTRACK, there is a paragraph that states
TRS released fixedtracks comprise of only curved and
straight sections. Junctions are not possible in TRS,
as the lever switching functionality for trains is not
implemented. Crossings may be made, just create two
attached-track fields.
If that is still a valid statement, then my search for fixed junctions is over.
kuid:31293:678419921 is a fixed track version of the WDW monorail beamway right hand junction. So it seems it became possible after the CCG was written, will have to investigate more.
The fixed track from Andi06 are very old but still functional. You need the FT that must be wired. You have to connect the track in classic and can wire them in s20. There are turnouts and slips on the DLS (you need the JK points, spacers and gauges) The V2 version don't work
Well I made and got a fixed track junction into Trainz, it just doesn't work 100%, yet.

At the bottom, the junction by itself. The left straight through arrow is reversed. Even when I rotate the attachment point, it still points in the wrong direction. Any ideas?
In the middle, a piece of straight fixed track is attached. The red invisible track doesn't change.
At the top, piece of flex track is attached, now all of the invisble tracks change a per the config instruction "useadjoiningtracktype 1". The switch lever doesn't do anything. Driving from the left in trailing mode, the vehicle will go through the switch. In facing mode when driving from the right, the vehicle will only go straight through the junction. That's a little catenary vehicle to help check the alignment of the overhead wires.

Will have to give objects from Andi06 a look to see if I'm missing anything obvious.
Gave andi06's FT system a look and quite clever. There are no visible switch levers that can be changed directly but you can change the direction by clicking on the whole switch and then the green path shows which direction has been set. . The track doesn't appear to be interactive, i.e it doesn't change to match the attached track but that could be a minor irritant.
Gave andi06's FT system a look and quite clever. There are no visible switch levers that can be changed directly but you can change the direction by clicking on the whole switch and then the green path shows which direction has been set. . The track doesn't appear to be interactive, i.e it doesn't change to match the attached track but that could be a minor irritant.
Yes indeed, if you know how dated these FT are (2004). Andy was a genius that unfortunately passed away too early.
If you change the settings to places levers automatically when you wire them up. The lever IS functional and can be replaced in S20. There is a list in the old settings to change track. I havn't tried it but maybe a simple change in the config is enough to make them matching the attached track. As far as I know only the old series with point in the name work, the V2 versions won't, don't know why but that was the case in 2019 too.

By the way, (off topic) I don't know why the forum sees me as a new member!! I've been using trainz since trs2004 all the way up to the plus version I use now?!?!?